Elections & Voting

We work to support well-run elections and referendums, offering support and guidance to those involved. This section will provide details of previous election results and information of any elections underway or planned for the future. We also work to ensure voters know how and when to register to vote and the different methods of voting. Remember to use your vote and have your say.


Please note: If you are unsure on how to complete and return your postal vote, please follow the instructions below to complete your postal vote:

  1. Complete the postal vote statement with your signature and date of birth.
  2. Complete your ballot paper with your choice of candidate.
  3. Detach the ballot paper from the statement and place your ballot paper in envelope A with the back of the ballot paper showing through the window.
  4. Place envelope A into envelope B and also place the statement into this envelope with the back of the statement facing towards the window so that the Local Returning Officer’s address is showing through.

Council & Democracy