Flood Risk Strategy and Management Plan

Page updated on: 20/12/2024

There is no single body responsible for managing flood risk in Carmarthenshire. Under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 we became a Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) and we have a duty to develop, maintain, apply and monitor a strategy for local flood risk management which includes surface run-off, groundwater; and ordinary watercourses.

In developing the strategy, we balance the needs of communities, the economy and the environment. Our local strategy forms the framework within which communities have a greater say in local risk management decisions. It encourages more effective risk management by allowing residents, communities, business and the public sector to work together to:

  • ensure a clear understanding of the risks of flooding and erosion, nationally and locally, so that investment in risk management can be prioritised more effectively;
  • set out clear and consistent plans for risk management so that communities and businesses can make informed decisions about the management of the residual risk;
  • encourage innovative management of flood risks, taking account of the needs of communities and the environment;
  • form links between the local flood risk management strategy and local spatial planning;
  • ensure that emergency plans and responses to flood incidents are effective and that communities are able to respond properly to flood warnings; and
  • help communities to recover more quickly and effectively after incidents.

We also undertake the following:

  • maintain a register of assets – these are physical features that have a significant effect on flooding in our area;
  • investigate significant local flooding incidents and publish the results of such investigations
  • establish approval bodies for design, building and operation of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS);
  • issue consents for altering, removing or replacing certain structures or features on ordinary watercourses;
  • play a lead role in emergency planning and recovery after a flood event.
  • asset management and upgrade schemes
  • drainage investigations
  • enforcement of illegal structures in watercourses
  • coastal protection schemes

If you have any queries, please contact us on FDCP@carmarthenshire.gov.uk.