Blue Badge Scheme
Page updated on: 08/06/2024
The Blue Badge (Disabled Parking) Scheme provides a national arrangement of parking concessions for those people who have a permanent or substantial disability to allow them to park close to their destination, when travelling independently as either a driver or passenger.
The Blue Badge allows the vehicle in which the badge holder travels to park in designated areas.
You are automatically eligible for a Blue Badge without further assessment if you:
- Are severely sight impaired
- Receive Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and are awarded the following descriptors:
- Planning and following a journey (12 points) – category F and/or
- Moving around (8 points or more) – category C, D, E or F
- Receive the higher rate of the mobility component of Disability Living Allowance (HRMCDLA)
- Receive a war pensioner’s mobility supplement
- Receive a guaranteed payment under tariffs 1-8 of the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) and have been certified as having a permanent and substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking.
If you have been diagnosed with a terminal illness with DS1500/SR1 form and a mobility impairment then your application form will be fast tracked.
If you do not meet the automatic eligibility listed above for a Blue Badge, you still may be able to receive a Blue Badge by undergoing a further assessment which is explained in the Blue Badge Guidance Notes.
If you are unable to walk or have considerable difficulty walking and have a temporary but substantial disability which is likely to last for the next 12 months you may apply for a Blue Badge. You could be referred for an assessment to determine if you are eligible for a temporary Blue Badge.
If you have a cognitive impairment and have difficulty planning and following journeys to such an extent that you need constant supervision or if you are receiving the Higher Rate Care Component of Disability Living Allowance (HRCCDLA). You may be transferred to an Independent Advisory Service for further assessment, where you will be required to provide additional information. This service will be responsible for making a final decision.
If you drive a vehicle regularly and have an impairment in both arms, and unable to operate, or have considerable difficult in operating, all or some types of parking equipment.
The applicant’s driving licence should be coded as either of the following:
- 40 – Adapted steering
- 79 – Restricted to vehicles in conformity with the specifications stated in brackets.
You can apply for a Blue Badge by:
- Completing this online application form
- Downloading, printing and returning the Blue Badge Application Form by post to:
The Blue Badge Team
Department for Communities
Carmarthenshire County Council
3 Spilman Street
Carmarthen, SA31 1LE - or by calling us on 01267 234567
You will need to provide proof of eligibility and certified proof of identity. These can be emailed to or posted to the Blue Badge Team at the above address following completion of the application form.
The photograph can be uploaded when completing the online form or posted to the Blue Badge Team.
You can also take your original documents and application form to one of our Hwbs.
Your application for a Blue Badge can take approximately up to 12 weeks to be processed, dependent on eligibility, evidence and assessments and we currently have large volume of applications to process.
To prove your address you will need to give permission for the Local Authority to check the Council Tax database, Electoral Register and school Register (under 16).
If your record does not exist on these systems please contact the Blue Badge Team for guidance and they will advise you on what evidence they will accept under these circumstances.
To ensure your application is processed quickly please provide certified copies of one of the following as evidence:
- Birth / Adoption certificate
- Marriage / Divorce certificate
- Passport
- Driving Licence
- Certificate of British nationality
- Civil Partnership / Dissolution certificate.
A certified photocopy is a photocopy of a document that has been verified as being true by a person other than your partner or family member who has known you for a minimum of two years and is 18 years or over.
The individual certifying the document should sign the photocopy and include the text “This is a copy of an original document seen by myself” alongside their signature. They should also print their name and occupation alongside this information.
These are examples of the type of person that would be suitable:
- Accountant
- Bank/Building Society Official
- Barrister
- Councillor (Local or County)
- Civil Servant
- Dentist
- Fire Service Official
- Justice of the Peace
- Licensee of Public House
- Local Government Officer
- Nurse (RGN and RMN)
- Officer of the armed forces
- Optician
- Pharmacist
- Police Officer
- Social Worker
- Solicitor
- Surveyor
- Teacher, Lecturer
- Trade Union Official
If you intend to hand your application in at one of the authority’s Hwb Customer Service Centres then you can present original documents to them and they will copy and certify the documents. Photocopies that are submitted without signatures cannot be accepted and this will delay your application.
You will need to supply a recent passport style photograph. Please ensure that the applicants name and date of birth is written on the back of the photograph. The photograph must have a strong definition between face and background and must be:
- In colour
- 45 millimetres in height and 35 millimetres in width - passport size
- Taken within a month prior to the date of the application
- Against a light grey or cream background
- Undamaged
- Free from ‘red eye’, shadows, reflection or glare from spectacles
- Of the full head of the holder without any other person visible or any covering, unless it is worn for religious beliefs or medical reasons
- Facing forward
- With nothing covering the face
- Looking straight at the camera
- With a neutral expression and mouth closed
- With eyes wide open and clearly visible without sunglasses or tinted spectacles and without hair or spectacle frames obscuring the eyes
- In sharp focus and clear
- A true likeness, without amendment
If you are unable to provide a recent colour passport style photograph, you may make an appointment at one of our Hwb Customer Service Centres, where a photograph can be taken of you, at present there is no charge.
There is no charge for the Blue Badge for persons permanently resident in Wales.
Your Blue Badge does not renew automatically. Each badge has an expiry date, we recommend that you renew your Blue Badge approximately 12 weeks before the expiry date printed on the badge. You can do this by:
- Completing this online renewal form
- Downloading, printing and returning the Blue Badge Application Form by post to:
The Blue Badge Team
Department for Communities
Carmarthenshire County Council
3 Spilman Street
SA31 1LE - Or you can call us on 01267 234567 to request an application form.
A parent of a child under the age of three may apply for a Blue Badge if their child has:
- A medical condition which means that they must always be accompanied by bulky medical equipment which cannot be carried around with the child without great difficulty
- or a medical condition which means that they need to be kept near a vehicle at all times either for treatment or for transportation to a location where treatment can be performed.
If your Blue Badge is stolen you will need to contact the police who will provide a crime reference number.
If your Blue Badge is lost, you should report this to us by calling us on 01267 234567.
If a badge has been damaged to an extent it cannot be read by people who will be checking the badge when used for parking or other concessions, you will need to return the damaged Blue Badge to any of the Hwb Customer Service Centres or post to: The Blue Badge Team, Department for Communities, Carmarthenshire County Council, 3 Spilman Street, Carmarthen, SA31 1LE.
Next Step
Once your lost, stolen or damaged badge has been reported you will need to request a replacement Blue Badge. A replacement badge is valid until the expiry date of the original badge. You can request a replacement badge online at
A fee is not currently charged for badges issued as replacements (not renewals) in the case where a badge has been lost, stolen or damaged.
If your badge is due to expire in less than 3 months, you need to reapply instead. More information available above within the ‘How do I apply for a Blue Badge’ tab.
If your Blue Badge has expired or is no longer required, you should return the badge to:
The Blue Badge Team
Department for Communities
Carmarthenshire County Council
3 Spilman Street
SA31 1LE
Or you can hand them in to one of the Hwb Customer Service Centres.
A Blue Badge may be issued to an organisation for a motor vehicle that is to be used to transport disabled persons who have a permanent and substantial disability and are unable to walk, or have considerable difficulty in walking.
A badge will be issued to an organisation if they have vehicles licensed under Disabled Passenger Vehicle (DPV) taxation class.
In order to process the application you will need:
- Copy of the vehicle log book - V5
You can apply for an organisational badge by:
- completing an online application form
- or telephone 01267 234567
If your application has been refused and you feel that your condition changes or not all the relevant facts were taken into consideration, then you may appeal against the decision and we will reconsider your case.
You should write to the Blue Badge Team, asking for your application to be reconsidered and including any extra information which you think may be relevant at:
Blue Badge Team
Carmarthenshire County Council
Department for Communities
3 Spilman Street
SA31 1LE
If you have a Blue Badge, it must only be used when you are the driver of a vehicle or a passenger in it and the journey is for your benefit. You should not let others use the badge on your behalf without yourself being present, even if they are making a trip on your behalf.
It is an offence to misuse a Blue Badge and the maximum fine if someone is convicted is £1000 plus any additional penalty for the related parking offence. If you think someone is misusing a Blue Badge you can report it by calling us on 01267 234567. All calls will be investigated.
The Blue Badge is not a licence to park anywhere. The Blue Badge Scheme Rights & Responsibilities in Wales leaflet explains your responsibilities as a Blue Badge holder and explains where you can park.
You do not need to inform us if you change your car.