Corporate Safeguarding Policy
Safeguarding People in Carmarthenshire | Updated November 2023
In this section
- Recognising and Responding to Concerns
- Dealing with a safeguarding concern
- Reporting a concern
- Monitoring and Review
- Appendix 1- Categories and Indicators of Abuse & Neglect
- Appendix 1 cont'd - Categories and indicators of abuse – Adults at Risk
- Appendix 2 - Carmarthenshire County Council Corporate Safeguarding Self Assessment Audit Tool
Appendix 2 - Carmarthenshire County Council Corporate Safeguarding Self Assessment Audit Tool
In accordance with Carmarthenshire’s Corporate Safeguarding Policy, all organisations that provide services for or work with adults at risk, children, young people and families are expected to conduct an audit of their safeguarding practices, based on a process of self-evaluation.
Directors will be responsible for ensuring that they have safeguarding operational procedures in place and undertake an annual audit of their directorate using the Corporate Safeguarding Self-Assessment Audit Tool.
The following self-assessment framework is set out in three sections covering three identified standards underpinning ‘safeguarding’ and requires each service area to think about their own practices and procedures within their relevant settings. It is designed to give an understanding of how the theme of ‘safeguarding’ is being successfully achieved in a particular service area currently, and how this might be developed.
In addition, the self- assessment gives the Council with an overview of safeguarding practices across the entirety of its service areas and can ensure that safeguarding compliancy and duties are being effectively met, the data from the annual self evaluations will be integral to informing planning of service delivery and thus improving the wellbeing outcomes for Carmarthenshire citizens.
The self-assessment audit will be completed annually and will ask you to consider the last rolling 12-month period.
- Policy/Practice (Robust) - How robust are your safeguarding practices in your service area? (policies & procedures adopted and in use/safe recruitment/ compliancy/training/audits and inspections/reporting).
- Environment (Safe) - How safe does your service area feel to citizens that access your services, and to your staff working in your service area? (atmosphere/buildings/e-safety/information sharing/complaints and compliments).
- Culture (Effective) - How effective is your service area approach to safeguarding? (Effectively working with others to protect children and adults at risk and promote the wellbeing of citizens, i.e. through commissioned services/effective communication and engagement with staff and volunteers to embed safeguarding into practice and service area planning).
Guidance for the completion of the Self-Assessment Audit Tool
The audit tool is a self- assessment tool that covers the three standards. Within each of the standards there are measures which you should provide evidence to demonstrate how effectively your service area is currently meeting each standard and where improvements can be made.
In the evidence section you have been provided with some brief examples in italics, this is not a minimum list of expectations and is provided as an illustrative example for assistance only, it is your responsibility as the service manager for your service areas to provide the correct evidence to illustrate how the measures are being effectively met. Think carefully about the practices and procedures across your relevant service area and RAG rate as outlined below.
Be aware that you may need to think about multiple sites/venues when answering the questions. You are submitting the self- evaluation in respect of your portion of the service area; however, this will then be collated with the returns of the other service managers to make a collective self-evaluation for the entirety of the service area.
Where relevant, be specific in your audit regarding which service is being commented upon if you identify an issue with one specific site/service in your area. For example, in your portfolio you may be responsible for multiple sites and identify that the practices for on-site contractors’ attendance is being managed differently to the policy in place and that of other sites. Therefore, your audit should capture the main RAG rating for your general performance and if a specific issue for a certain site/service is identified this should be recorded within the “Further action required” box as to how this will be addressed.
Be prepared to allow enough time to gather the required information and consult with your team managers/admin/etc. who may have the information per site/venue, etc.
Remember that you can also contact your Designated Safeguarding Lead in your service area, HR partners (e.g. for data on training records), or the Senior Manager for Safeguarding for Children or Adults Services for any other advice or assistance on the completion of this self-assessment tool.
Self-assessment rating
The traffic light system relates to how a service area assesses itself against achieving the minimum standard. If your service area assesses itself, as red or amber you should record in the “Further action required” box what you feel is necessary, or if you are unsure identify that support/advice from your Designated Safeguarding Lead to improve on this measure that is required to move forward.
At the end of each standard, you have the opportunity to reflect on the measures providing a narrative on what you feel as a service area you do well; where you can improve and if you require any assistance in embedding ‘safeguarding.’
GREEN - Means everything is in place, up to date, and meets the required minimum standard
AMBER - Means that something requires review or improvement
RED - Means something needs to be developed as a matter of urgency or the measure needs to be addressed urgently
Once completed the self-evaluation form should be returned on the specified date to your Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Full audit template available from the Senior Manager for Corporate Safeguarding
Cathy Richards,