Governance: Our Transformation Programme

The Council, via our newly formed Transformation Board (2022) and delivery programme, will continue to drive forward transformational service change in a planned and cohesive way. The primary aim of the Transformation Board is to provide a strategic framework and governance to underpin a programme of significant organisational change that will support the Council in achieving its wider aims and objectives.

The Board outline’s how the organisation intends to improve its capabilities and the way that we use our resources to provide more value and benefits to our residents and businesses.

It aims to further accelerate the process of modernisation across the Council, allowing us to continue to deliver high quality, cost-effective services within the context of a challenging external environment and budgetary pressures.

The Transformation Programme focuses on 8 key workstreams:

  • Efficiencies and Value for Money
  • Income & Commercialisation
  • Workplace
  • Workforce
  • Service Design & Improvement
  • Decarbonisation and Biodiversity
  • Schools
  • Customers & Digital Transformation

This Digital Strategy supports and underpins all 8 workstreams. The Customers & Digital Workstream has been realigned to provide the governance and oversight for the delivery of significant digital initiatives identified within this Digital Strategy. A key strength of our Transformation Board is the strong governance arrangements for overseeing the management and delivery of the programme.

It provides robust and inclusive governance arrangements that aims to encourage and promote creativity, flexibility and learning across the organisation in support of sustainable change and transformation. It is also underpinned by a comprehensive project and performance management approach to ensure effective implementation and delivery of our required outcomes.