Time Together
Page updated on: 24/10/2024
Time Together Project
Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales offer time together - Short Breaks for Carers. This is available if you look after a relative, neighbour or friends and struggle to find time for yourself.
The Time Together Project understands that having a break from caring can make a positive difference to unpaid carers' health and wellbeing and your ability and willingness to continue caring.
Their specialist staff could help you to access a range of short breaks options with or without the person you care for.
The Time Together Project can help you to build a personalised, flexible, and responsive short break to help recharge your batteries.
Carers can access a range of grants to fund short break opportunities with friends or family as well as smaller microgrants for self-care activities to improve their health and wellbeing and quality of life.
The project offer a programme of Wellbeing Activities for carers to meet up with other carers, both with and without the persons they care for, to relax and recharge.
You can make an appointment to talk to a Short Breaks Officer and start to plan your break.
Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales are open Monday to Thursday 9am-5pm & Friday 9am-4:30pm
For more information contact:
Phone: 0300 0200 002
Email: info@ctcww.org.uk
CTCWW Website