Bws bach y wlad BB4

Page updated on: 05/04/2024

Bws bach y wlad BB4  Newcastle Emlyn - Carmarthen via Capel Iwan - Tanglwst

Starts 30 April, 2024


Tuesday only BB4
Newcastle Emlyn, Ysgol Emlyn 0900
Newcastle Emlyn, opposite Danyrhelyg 0902
Penrherber, crossroads 0904
Capel Iwan, opposite shelter 0913
Tanglwst, opposite shelter 0923
Maudsland, square 0928
Hermon, Chapel 0933A
Glangwili, opposite Hospital 0952A
Carmarthen, Bus Station 1000C
Carmarthen, Bus Station 1300B
Glangwili, Hospital 1306B
Hermon, opposite Chapel 1326
Maudsland, square 1331
Tanglwst, shelter 1336
Capel Iwan, shelter 1347
Penrherber, crossroads 1355
Newcastle Emlyn, Danyrhelyg 1357
Newcastle Emlyn, opposite Ysgol Emlyn 1400

A :  Does not stop to pick up passengers between Cynwyl School and Carmarthen Bus Station but will stop to set down
B : Does not stop to set down passengers between Carmarthen Bus Station and Cynwyl School but will stop to pick up
C : Continues to Morrisons on request

Travel, Roads & Parking