A-Z of Council Services

This A-Z index is a comprehensive guide to this website, providing details of information that can be found on the site. Each entry is linked to pages which are maintained by whichever department or partner offers that service.

Carmarthenshire County Council Department for Communities

Community Bureau




Cabinet Members

Cabinet Structure

Cabinet Vision Statement 2022 - 2027 (July 2022)

Cam Nesa

Can I challenge the accuracy of the Definitive Map and Statement?

Can I change the Route of a Public Right of Way?

Can I plough and grow crops across a Public Rights of Way?

Can I protect my land from the addition of more Public Rights of Way?

Can I remove a Public Right of Way from my land?

Candidate Sites

Candle Safety

Capel Bethlehem Newydd Pwll Trap

Capel Iwan

Capel Seion - Hwb Hebron

Car Parks & Charges

Car sharing

Carbon monoxide poisoning

Care Academi

Care at home

Care leavers discount

Carers Assessment

Carers Card

Carers who want to return to work

Carmarthen Climate & Environment Centre

Carmarthen Customer Service Hwb

Carmarthen Farmer's market

Carmarthen Hwb

Carmarthen Indoor Market

Carmarthen Learning Centre

Carmarthen library

Carmarthen Machinery Ring Pilot

Carmarthen MakerSpace

Carmarthen Market

Carmarthen Monthly Food Market

Carmarthen Open Air Market

Carmarthen Park & Ride service no longer running

Community Energy Feasibility Study

Carmarthen Town Football Club Ground Operational Efficiency and Renewal Scheme 2024

Carmarthen Youth Project - Dr.M'z

Carmarthenshire Archives

Carmarthenshire Business Flood Infrastructure Fund

Carmarthenshire language profile

Carmarthenshire Licensed Boarding Premises

Carmarthenshire Museum

Carmarthenshire Nature Partnership

Carmarthenshire Private Sewerage Treatment Services

Carmarthenshire Registry of Growing Sites

Carmarthenshire Residents Survey 2023

Carmarthenshire Residents Survey 2024

Carmarthenshire Rural Enterprise Fund (CREF)

Carmarthenshire Schools: Community Primary Schools

Carmarthenshire Schools: Community Primary Schools

Carmarthenshire Schools: Secondary Schools

Carmarthenshire Schools: Secondary Schools

Carmarthenshire Schools: Special Schools

Carmarthenshire Schools: Special Schools

Carmarthenshire Schools: Voluntary Aided Secondary School

Carmarthenshire Schools: Voluntary Aided Secondary School

Carmarthenshire Schools: Voluntary Controlled Primary Schools

Carmarthenshire Schools: Voluntary Controlled Primary Schools

Carmarthenshire Tourism Ambassador

Carmarthenshire Tourism Roadshow 2024

Carmarthenshire Welsh Church Fund

Carmarthenshire's Modernising Education Programme

Carmarthenshire's Modernising Education Programme

Caru Sir Gâr

Carway & District Welfare Association

Catchment areas

CCAMA Carmarthen and Cross Hands Autistic Mams Association

Celtic Routes



Centre of Excellence for Green Technologies

Chair 2024 - 25

Change of Use (Planning)

Changes made over the last 6 years

Changes to existing registration

Changes to Full Time Education Start Date

Changes to Postal and Proxy Voting

Changing schools

Chaperoning Licensing

Charges for care at home

Charging policy for social care services

Charitable Trust Funds

Charity collection permit

Chief Executives

Child car seat checking clinics

Child Employment and Entertainment

Child Employment Work Permits

Child Performance Licensing

Children & Family Services

Children's rights promise

Children's social worker

Choosing a school – Catchment areas

Choosing a school – Catchment areas


Cilymaenllwyd Footpath Restoration

Circular Agricultural Plastics (CAP)

Claim what's yours

Claw back - When you may have to repay the grant

Claw back of grant funds

Claw Back of Grant Funds

Claw Back of Grant Funds

Claw Back of Grant Funds

Clean Growth Innovation Community Programme

Climate Action Manifesto

Closure of a Food Business

Club premises certificate

Clwb Rygbi Pontiets Ltd

College provision for year 11’s

Collision Map and Data

Combatting Damp and Mould

Comment on a licence application

Committees & Meetings

Common Land


Community Asset Transfer

Community Benefits

Community Benefits

Community Cohesion

Community Cohesion Small Grants Scheme

Community Councillor Results

Community Crafting Courses

Community Engagement/Wellbeing Project

Community Funding

Community Hub Grant

Community Information

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Community led GBI toolkit

Community Play Improvement Scheme

Community Review 2023

Community Safety

Community toolkit

Community Well-Being Programme

Community Well-being Project Pontyates

Competent person scheme

Complaints / Compliments

Completed Active Travel schemes

Completion certificates

Completion of Development

Compliance / Enforcement



Concessionary fares

Conflict of interest


Conservation & countryside

Conservation areas

Conservation Areas

Construction Net Zero - A Passive House approach


Contact the Purchase to Pay (P2P) and Accounts Payable Teams

Contact us

Contact Us

Contacting us by phone or visiting us in person

Contacts and useful links

Containers and signage

Contaminated land


Contracts Register


Copper switch off to digital voice

Core Business Enablers

Core Business Enablers

Coroner's Office

Corporate services

Corporate Strategy 2022-2027

Cost of Living Advice

Cost of Living Event

Council & Democracy

Council Budget

Council departments

Council Diary

Council Performance

Council Tax

Council Tax Notice 2024/25

Council Tax premiums for long-term empty properties and second homes

Council Tax premiums for long-term empty properties and second homes

Council Tax Reduction (CTR)

Council's Annual Report 2022-2023

Council's Annual Report 2022-23

Council's Constitution

Councillor allowances and interests

Councillors, AMs and MPs

Counter Terrorism

Country Cars

Countryside Code

Creating your event team

Cross Hands Growth Zone

Cross Hands Morton’s Fine Foods

Cross Hands Park Redevelopment – Feasibility Study and Masterplan


Crug Y Bar

Cultural and Equalities

Customer Service

Customers & Digital Transformation

Cwmamman Youth Club


Cynefin Green Health and Wellbeing Hub Carmarthen



Cynwyl Elfed

Carmarthenshire Bogs Project

Council housing

Caeau Mynydd Mawr Marsh Fritillary Project

Council tax rebate

Carmarthenshire's Primary Towns

Child protection