A-Z of Council Services

This A-Z index is a comprehensive guide to this website, providing details of information that can be found on the site. Each entry is linked to pages which are maintained by whichever department or partner offers that service.


Walk to School

Warm Places and Warm Welcome Spaces

Waste Statement for Carmarthenshire

Waste/recycling collection disruptions

Weather alerts

Well-being Goals for Wales

Well-being Objective 1

Well-being Objective 1

Well-being Objective 2

Well-being Objective 2

Well-being Objective 3

Well-being Objective 3

Well-being Objective 4

Well-being Objective 4

Well-being of Future Generations Act (Wales) 2015

Welsh and English language skills

Welsh and your Business

Welsh Government Focused Grants

Welsh History Review

Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS)

Welsh in Education Strategic Plan

Welsh Language

Welsh language in Business

Welsh Language Promotion Strategy 2023 - 28

Welsh Language Standards

Welsh Language Standards

Welsh Language Standards

Welsh Medium Education Capital Grant

West Wales Calculator

What action have we taken?

What are Direct Payments?

What do I do with my compost?

What do we offer our graduates?

What do we spend our money on?

What fencing is permitted near a Public Right of Way?

What happens after a decision on listed building consent has been made?

What if I am dissatisfied with the way the case was managed?

What is a Digital Strategy?

What is a lease?

What is included in a Tender document/pack ?

What is Planning Enforcement?

What is the application process?

What is the Welsh government doing?

What is, or not a breach of Planning Control?

What licences do you need to trade outdoors?

What rules, regulations & procurement procedures do we follow?

What to include on your invoice

What we can offer

What we will deliver

What we’re doing to improve accessibility

What you can use the grant for

What you can use the grant for

What you can use the grant for

What you can use the grant for

What you can use the grant for

What you cannot use the grant for

What you cannot use the grant for

What you cannot use the grant for

What you cannot use the grant for

What’s on in Tyisha

Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles

When is listed building consent required?

When to apply

When to apply

Where and with whom is our money spent?

Where do we advertise our contract opportunities

Where to send your invoice

Whitland Library

Who is responsible for Bridges on Public Rights of Way?

Who is responsible for Stiles and Gates on Public Rights of Way?

Who should maintain hedgerows?

Who should maintain the surface of a Public Right of Way?

Who’s who in Wales & UK tourism

Why Choose Us

Why do we need this strategy?

Wildlife in your Ward

Windows, doors and roof-light application


Work Experience


Working Carers

Working Carers

Working for us

Working in Carmarthenshire

Working in partnership

Working Sustainably

Working With Businesses

Working With Local Communities

Working With Local People

Working With Schools

Working With the Welsh Language


Works to a listed building without consent

Worried about a child?