A-Z of Council Services

This A-Z index is a comprehensive guide to this website, providing details of information that can be found on the site. Each entry is linked to pages which are maintained by whichever department or partner offers that service.

A Community Transport Strategy for Carmarthenshire

A Future for our Past

A Guide for Ecological Consultants

A new future for St John Ambulance Cymru’s Carmarthen Division

A-Z of recycling

Aberglasney Gardens


Ability to learn

About the Council

About your business rates

About your rent

Accelerate Pentre Awel

Access to walking and cycling (Active Travel)


Actif Places

Actif Places Consultation

Actif Street Football

Action Plan

Active Travel Carmarthen

Active Travel Schemes

Adapting your home

Additional Cost in relation to a Care Home Placement

Additional costs (AC) for permanent / temporary admissions to a care home

Additional costs (AC) for respite/short-term admissions to a care home

Additional Learning Needs

Additional learning needs: Decision-making process

Additional Licensing Scheme for HMOs

Admission to School - Information for Parents 2024-2025

Admission to School - Information for Parents 2025-2026

Admission to secondary schools including sixth form

Admission to secondary schools including sixth form

Admission To Voluntary Aided Schools

Admission To Voluntary Aided Schools

Adopt a Tributary


Adult Cycle Training

Adult Learning Courses

Advantages of being bilingual

Adverse Weather

Advice & information

Advice and Support

Advice and support for mental wellbeing

Advice and support on debt


Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing areas

Age-Friendly Cities and Communities

Ageing well in Carmarthenshire

Ageing Well Membership Form

Agendas & Minutes

Agendas and minutes

Agreeing the Why’s, How’s and When’s

Aim and vision

Air Quality

Alcohol & entertainment licences

Alcohol and Other Drugs

All weather, all new sports facility for Llandovery

Allocation Process

Allotment and Community Growing Survey

Allotments & Community Growing Opportunities



Already Fostering?

Alterations to Listed Buildings

Ammanford Customer Service Hwb

Ammanford Hwb

Ammanford Learning Centre @ Streets

Ammanford Library

Ammanford MakerSpace

Ammanford Open Air Market

Amount of funding

An Tir Carmarthenshire


Animal Establishment Licensing

Animal Licence

Animal movement

Animal welfare

Annual Monitoring Report (AMR)

Annual update of the voters roll

Anonymous registration

Anti-social behaviour

Antisocial behaviour

Appeal against your food hygiene rating score


Appeals regarding admission of pupils to community / voluntary controlled primary or secondary schools

Appeals regarding admission of pupils to community / voluntary controlled primary or secondary schools

Appeals: What to do if you've been refused a school place




Appendix 1

Appendix 1

Appendix 1 - Price List

Appendix 1 - The Welsh Language in Carmarthenshire Report

Appendix 1 - Variations/adjustments to charges for financially assessed services

Appendix 1 cont'd

APPENDIX 1: The Enforcement Powers

Appendix 2

Appendix 2

Appendix 2 - Countryside Access Furniture Offered Free Of Charge

Appendix 2 - Operational rules for commencement and termination of packages of care and support

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix Five

Appendix Four

Appendix Seven

Appendix Six

Appendix Three

Appendix Two

Application and Assessment

Application and Assessment

Application and Assessment

Application and Assessment Process

Application of the rules to individual cases

Application procedure

Application Process and Assessment

Application submission

Applied Research for Circular Solutions (ARCS)

Apply / Request

Apply for a full-time primary school place (4-years olds)

Apply for a Highways Search

Apply for a part-time nursery place (3-year olds)

Apply for a secondary school place (11-year olds)

Apply for events in a town centre

Apply for Section 106 funds

Apply for...

Apply to remove a hedgerow

Applying for listed building consent

Approval of food premises

Are you worried about an adult?

Are you worried about an adult/child?

Armed Forces Covenant

Arrears / Set up payment plan

Ash Dieback Disease

Ashpits Pond and Pwll Lagoon

Assessment Criteria

Assign your tenancy to someone else

Assistive Technology / Lifeline Alarm

At what age can children start school?

At what age can children start school?

Audio ballot papers Carmarthen

Audio ballot papers Llanelli


Awarding Places – Over-Subscription Criteria

Awarding Places – Over-Subscription Criteria

Awareness Dates & Events

An Introduction to Digital Music with Soundtrap

Adult learning

A guide to Planning Enforcement in Carmarthenshire

Access markings

Are you a teacher or leader that needs help with grants?

Are you worried about a child?