
Page updated on: 04/10/2022

Kerbcraft is a national road safety scheme, funded by the Welsh Government and delivered by Carmarthenshire County Council.  It aims to teach children from age 5-7 how to be safer pedestrians by taking them on the real roadside and showing them how correct decision-making and behaviour can really help them to stay safe.

It is a vital skill that if taught at this age will remain for life. Our aim is to reduce child pedestrian casualties.

Practical Road-Side Training has proved to be the best way of helping young children to stay safe when near or crossing roads.

The children are taken out of school by trained staff and volunteers, in groups of no more than three per adult to learn 3 main skills:

  • Choosing safe places to cross the road
  • Crossing safely near parked cars
  • Crossing safely near junctions

Each skill is practiced at several different locations over a period of 4 weeks, in total 12 sessions are completed by the children, following this they receive their certificate.

If you are a parent, teacher or school governor and want to find out about starting Kerbcraft in your school, please contact the Kerbcraft co-ordinators.

We need volunteers - can you help?

Can you, or anyone you know, spare 2 hours a week to be a Kerbcraft training volunteer? We will provide all volunteers with full training and support. It's a very rewarding experience. Mums, dads, grandparents, aunties, uncles, school governors and friends of the school can volunteer. To find out further information please email: or phone 01267 228291/ 228289.

Education & Schools