Local Development Plan 2018 - 2033

Page updated on: 06/03/2024

A Local Development Plan (LDP) sets out proposals and policies for the future use of all local land and is part of the development plan framework for Wales. The LDP covers a period of fifteen years and should reflect national planning policy in Wales.

At our council meeting on the 10 of January 2018 we resolved to prepare a revised LDP for Carmarthenshire. The timetable for the preparation of the Revised LDP is set out within the Delivery Agreement (DA) which was agreed by the Welsh Government on the 28 June 2018 with the latest revision agreed in August 2022. Once adopted (completed), the Revised LDP will be used as the basis for determining planning applications and will assist in guiding future investment programmes in areas such as infrastructure, as well as Plans and strategies, including those of partner organisations.

The production of the Revised LDP has been delayed due to the publication of new targets by Natural Resources Wales which seek to reduce river phosphate levels in riverine Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) across Wales.

In Carmarthenshire, the Afon Teifi, Afon Tywi, River Wye and Afon Cleddau are located in SAC. At present the Afon Teifi, Afon Cleddau and the River Wye are failing against NRW’s targets.

In response to these new targets and the challenges they present we have been working to re-assess the implications of the new targets for the Revised LDP and the development allocations within phosphate sensitive catchments. In addition to the NRW’s new targets, a number of other matters have arisen since their publication which require further consideration through the Revised LDP.

Therefore, at a meeting of the Full Council on the 9 March 2022, Carmarthenshire County Councillors agreed to allow amendments to the Revised DA timetable and to prepare a second Deposit Revised LDP. This enabled consideration to be given to the implications and for essential evidence and data to be gathered and mitigation options to be developed to address the phosphate issue. The second Deposit LDP incorporates the Focussed Changes (where they remain relevant) previously agreed as a result of the consultation on the first Deposit LDP. It will also reflect and respond to Covid-19 recovery, the net zero carbon and decarbonisation agenda, the emerging Technical Advice Note 15 and Revised Flood Maps, and Future Wales: The National Plan 2040.

An updated revised DA was agreed by the Welsh Government in January 2024.

The public consultation on the second Deposit LDP closed on 14 April 2023. For more information, please click on “Deposit Plan” above.

Until the Revised LDP is adopted, the existing 2006-2021 LDP will remain in place for all planning decisions, in line with advice issued by the Welsh Government.

