Draft Charging Policy for Social Care Services

Reviews and methods of appeal

29. Reviews and methods of appeal

Carmarthenshire will always endeavour to undertake a financial assessment in an accurate and professional way. Some financial assessments will appear complex, and this will always give rise to queries and in some cases formal reviews.

Where a person with care and support needs believes that the result of a financial assessment is incorrect for any reason, then they will be able contact the authority by telephone, email or in writing.

Where a query is received it will normally be looked at by the staff member who is responsible for the case. If the issue is not resolved to the person with care and support needs satisfaction, then another officer from within the team will review the query and the initial response.

Should the matter still be unresolved, then the person with care and support needs will have the right to request a formal review, but only where the basis of their request complies with the requirements of the legislation.

Where a formal review is requested, then Carmarthenshire will undertake the review in accordance with the legislation.

All persons with care and support needs have the right to access the authority’s complaints procedure if they are unhappy with our services or about the way they have been treated. Requesting a review will not prevent a person from accessing the complaints procedure.