Shop No. 5, Llanelli Market
Market Precinct, Llanelli Market, SA15 1YH

Subject to tender

Key Details

The shop, situated within the Llanelli Market complex, has a retail area of approximately 496 sq. ft and is suitable for a variety of purposes.

We wish to create a diverse Market and, whilst not wishing to stifle competition, will dismiss applications for shops from uses that are over represented. Tenders will therefore primarily be considered on the basis of proposed use as well as rent level and other factors.

Further information and Forms of Tender can be obtained from Mark Curtis, the Llanelli Market Manager, at the Market Office. Telephone 01554 773984 or e-mail

Closing date

Tenders must be returned in the endorsed envelopes provided by NOON on Tuesday, 23rd April 2024.

The Council does not bind itself to accept the highest or any tender.

Mr Jason Jones, Head of Regeneration,
Carmarthenshire County Council County Hall Carmarthen SA31 1JP