Llanelli Active Travel Engagement

  • Consultation period: 14/10/2024 ~ 12:00 - 10/11/2024 ~ 12:00
  • Audience: All residents and/or all businesses
  • Area: Llanelli
  • Council department / service: Place, Infrastructure & Economic Development, Highways & Transport

Why we consulted

We are seeking engagement from the public on the walking and cycling network and identify opportunities, constraints and general feedback, to gather local knowledge from the local residents and users of the network to see where/what types of improvements can be made to make current infrastructure support walking and cycling movements better.

We will look to utilise this information to further inform our evidence base for potential interventions that could be considered as we know local knowledge is key to introducing measures/schemes that are of high priority and high impact to the local community.

How we consulted

The interactive website will walk you through our plans for these four locations and invite you to complete a brief survey at the end.

Consultation Outcome

The feedback from the engagement will be utilised to further inform the development of the schemes/routes that will be outlined and will help us gather more of an evidence base/baseline information on what the local community want to see in the area, highlighting any opportunities and constraints as well as local knowledge to feed into the types of interventions and designs we would look to progress.