Purpose of Transformation Strategy
The main aim of the Transformation Strategy is to provide a strategic framework to underpin a programme of significant organisational change that will support the Council in achieving its wider aims and objectives as set out within its Corporate Strategy.
The Transformation Strategy will set out goals and objectives to help achieve a specific vision.
The Strategy will aim to outline how the organisation intends to improve its capabilities and the way that it uses its resources to provide more value and benefits to its customers and residents.
It will aim to further accelerate the process of modernisation across the Council, and allow us to continue to deliver high quality, cost-effective services within the context of a challenging external environment.
The Strategy will aim to encourage an inclusive and integrated approach to transformation that makes best use of its people, systems, and processes. It will aim to provide a business case to further invest in our staff, buildings, and technology and to encourage the adoption of modern working practices and speed up processes. It will also aim to develop the skills, culture and behaviours required to make change possible.
It will aim to set out the approach that will underpin the implementation of a Transformation Programme, which will include a greater focus on ‘delivery’ and generating pace and energy to deliver the type of change that is required.
Transformation should be regarded as an on-going process, and therefore this will be a dynamic Strategy which will require review and updating on an annual basis.
Corporate Strategy
Transformation Strategy
Transformation – Our journey to date
The Council’s TIC Programme has been the one of the main vehicles for supporting change and transformation across the organisation during the last 10 years The main aim of the programme has been to support the delivery of a sustainable approach to transforming the organisation; an approach that would allow the Council to meet its financial savings targets, whilst also protecting the standards and quality of front-line services.
The Programme has successfully delivered on these objectives and has helped in the development of more modern and resilient working practices.
The Council’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic – unplanned transformation
In March 2020, Carmarthenshire County Council was about to enter one of the most challenging periods ever faced by local government. The impact of the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic presented a unique set of challenges for the whole country, and there was an acceptance that Councils would need to be at the heart of the local response to the crisis.
The emergence of the Covid crisis meant that services had to adapt quickly to put in place alternative delivery arrangements for users and staff to ensure continuity of provision.
The Council was keen therefore to capture the learning from its response to the pandemic – to understand what worked well and didn’t work so well, and how this could potentially change ‘what we do’ and ‘how we do’, it in the future.