Why we consulted
In 2018/19 the Education & Children Scrutiny Committee completed a Task & Finish Review of the current provision for early years education, childcare and play opportunities. One of the conclusions identified in the report was that the Authority’s ‘Rising 4s’ policy is markedly different to other neighbouring Local Authorities’ and that the Council undertake a formal review of its current admissions policy for full time education for 4 year olds (the Rising 4s Policy).
At its meeting held on 11th December, 2023 Cabinet considered a report into the rationale for potential removal of the policy and an assessment of the implications of removal of the Rising 4s Policy in individual schools in the form of a gap analysis. As a result, Cabinet resolved to consult on the removal of the Rising 4s Policy during the annual admissions consultation exercise in January 2024, for potential implementation in September 2025. An extensive consultation exercise took place between 19th January 2024 and 1st March 2024.
Consultation Outcome
Following a public consultation and decision by Cabinet, school admission arrangements for four-year-olds are changing in Carmarthenshire. From September 2025 children will start full-time education the term following their fourth birthday instead of the term in which they turn four.
This means that children attending 3-11age schools and receiving part-time education will remain in part-time education for a term longer than they do under the present policy.
This change will only affect children born on or after 1 September 2021. There will be no change for children starting part-time or full-time education before 1 September 2025.