Swap your home
Page updated on: 02/10/2024
If you are interested in swapping your home with another council tenant we can help you find a suitable match. You must be eligible to apply. You may not be able to swap your home if:
- You’ve been a tenant for less than 12 months or still on an introductory tenancy
- You are in arrears with your rent
- Action has been started against your tenancy for a breach of other tenancy conditions
If you are not eligible, we can grant conditional consent, e.g. to proceed when any rent arrears have been cleared. If you would like to apply, call us on 01554 899311 and we can talk to you about your circumstances. We will ask you for some details about you and your home and find out why you’d like to swap homes.
If you are registered with Homeswapper, we have now withdrawn our membership. This means that your free membership has come to an end. You can still use their website, but you will be required to pay a subscription fee to continue using the Homeswapper service. You don’t need to re-register, all you need to do is update your subscription.