How to get help
Page updated on: 28/10/2024
We work with people in our community who need advice, support, care and protection. This includes children and their families, older people, people with an illness or disability, people with mental health problems and those who need support to care for someone else.
The advice and support we provide aims to help and encourage people to become as independent as they can be and to remain living at home wherever possible. If you feel that you require more specific support from Social Care, then we will arrange to discuss your situation with you and will usually visit to talk about your day to day life and what matters to you.
During the visit we will listen to what is important to you. We will discuss with you how the following areas will/has an impact on your independence:
- Health and Safety: Any illnesses, disabilities or safety issues for which support can be provided.
- Managing Daily Routines: Are you able to look after yourself by undertaking daily routines and ensuring adequate diet / warmth/personal care?
- Autonomy: Are you able to make decisions and take action to help keep you as independent as possible?
- Social Inclusion: Are you able to enjoy a level of participation in community events and social opportunities when required?
Having met and discussed your situation and listened to what is of importance to you, we will let you know the outcome of the visit. To be entitled to care and support services from us you must live in Carmarthenshire (subject to exceptions) and your situation must meet four conditions. These conditions are:
- That your needs arise from either physical or mental ill health, age, disability, dependence on alcohol or drugs or similar circumstances.
- That those needs relate to one or more of the following:
- The lack of ability to care for yourself or carry out domestic routines by this we mean eating and drinking, maintaining personal hygiene, getting up and dressed, moving about the house and keeping the home clean and safe.
- If you have communication difficulties
- If you need protection from abuse or neglect
- If you need support in relation to work, education or leisure activities
- If you need support to develop maintain relationships with your family
- If you need support to develop or maintain relationships with your friends or local community
- If you need support because you have caring responsibility for a child
- That you cannot meet your needs either by yourself, or with the support of others who are willing to provide it for example family, friends etc., and there are no services available in the community (we will be able to help you find out if any community services are available).
- You are unlikely to achieve what you want unless we provide you with services or give you a direct payment so that you can buy your own services.
It is only if you meet all of the above conditions that you will be entitled to our services. Where you do not meet all of the above conditions we will always provide you with information, advice and assistance to help you find other ways to support yourself.
If you are eligible for support you will be involved in preparing your care/support plan. This is where you are able to include information on how and when support will be provided. It is also important to note that you may have a financial assessment undertaken to help determine whether you need to make a financial contribution to the cost of your support service.
Your personal plan of care/ support will have a summary of the way in which you can expect support to be provided, for instance you may have a number of different ways to help you achieve your agreed goals. You can expect to have your plan looked at again at least once a year or by agreement. This will ensure that you are receiving the most appropriate level of support as situations can change. If a situation changes significantly before this or you need to discuss your situation with someone, contact the person who helped set up your support using the details they would have left with you. If this is not possible you can contact Delta Wellbeing on 0300 333 2222 (24hrs).
You can only use the online application for a referral for adults over 18 years of age. If you wish to contact us about someone who is under 18 years of age, please phone 01267 234567 or email: If you cannot complete the online form please call Delta Wellbeing on 0300 333 2222.
If you are contacting us on behalf of someone else you will need their consent except if the person is at risk of being abused by others or if they are not capable of providing consent.