School Essentials (PDG Access)
Page updated on: 05/12/2024
If your child already gets free school meals, there could be more help available for School Essentials (PDG Access). Check if you’re eligible for help with school essentials.
Looked after children of compulsory school age (Looked after children LAC- children in public care, who are placed with foster carers, in residential homes or with parents or other relatives through an Act of Court) may also be eligible
The Pupil Development Grant (PDG) grant provides financial assistance to families on low incomes for the purchase of:
- School uniform including coats and shoes;
- School sports kit including footwear;
- Uniform for enrichment activities, including but not limited to, scouts; guides; cadets; martial arts; sports; performing arts or dance;
- Equipment e.g. school bags and stationery;
- Specialist equipment where new curriculum activities begin such as design and technology;
- Equipment for out of school hours trips such as outdoor learning e.g. waterproofs;
- IT equipment - laptops and tablets only. You will need to confirm that your child’s school cannot loan them a laptop/tablet for use at home.
Funding of up to £125 is available to each eligible child, with the exception of those in Year 7 who are entitled to £200.
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