Local Development Plan 2006 - 2021

Page updated on: 15/01/2025

The Carmarthenshire Local Development Plan (LDP) was adopted at the meeting of the County Council on the 10th December 2014. The LDP sets out the spatial vision for the future of Carmarthenshire (excluding that area within the Brecon Beacons national Park) and a framework for the distribution and delivery of growth and development. 

It sets out land-use planning policies and proposals which are used in the determination of planning applications and in guiding future opportunities for investment and growth. These policies include land-use allocations for different types of development (i.e. housing, employment, retailing, education, open space etc.) as well as criteria for assessing individual proposals.  The Plan has a direct effect on the lives of every resident of the County as well as major implications on investment programmes, other plans and strategies, communities and landowners alike.

The LDP, will guide development up to 2021, and will be monitored in accordance with the monitoring framework and periodically reviewed. The adopted LDP supersedes the Unitary Development Plan.

View the Local Development Plan

Examination library and Matters Arising Changes

The Matters Arising Changes was a consultation document (June 2014) which set out a number of proposed changes that emerged during hearing sessions of the examination. The proposed changes related to elements of the LDP written statement and the proposals map and are set out in the Schedule of Matters Arising Changes which are set out within the following documents. 

Adopted documents  

Further details for the following stages of the LDP process: Focused Changes, Alternative Sites, Deposit LDP (including representations approved at County Council – 12th June 2013), Assessment of Sites, Preferred Strategy, Delivery Agreement, Sustainability Appraisal / Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitat Regulation Assessment  are available on request by emailing the Forward Planning Section at Forward.Planning@carmarthenshire.gov.uk or by telephoning 01267 228818.