Highways planning liaison
Page updated on: 06/02/2025
Highways planning liaison team will:
- Assist with statutory pre-planning enquiries submitted via our planning department.
- Where appropriate provide advice and recommendations to our planning department as a statutory consultee on the highways and transport implications of development proposals.
- Where appropriate provide responses to statutory pre application consultations (PAC).
Highways planning will not be able to assist with:
- Provide a design service
- Make the final decision on planning applications, this is done by planning
- Deal with road adoptions
- Deal with highways searches
- 20mph speed limit implementation (Safer Streets)
The Highways Design Guide was produced with a view to setting out its expectations for new development in the county. It provides guidance to developers and applicants on preparing transport proposals and providing transport infrastructure and services to support new development. It also sets out the associated requirements during planning and construction.
The Highways Design Guide serves to provide consistent information and to speed up the application process. As noted above, Highways Planning Liaison are not able to provide direct design input, as such it is recommended that applicants and/or their agents consult this document at the earliest opportunity to inform their proposals.
This document is to assist:
- Developers
- Applicants
- Stakeholders
It will allow you to understand and apply all aspects of:
- potential highways impacts
- highways design
- the application of appropriate local and national policy guidance
The Design guide will provide clarity on the following:
- visibility splays
- car parking
- garaging
- single access
- single access and lay-by
- agricultural access
- formation of an access
- vehicle turntables
- residential estate design
Please email any enquiries in relation to the design of developments to the PlanningHwb@carmarthenshire.gov.uk.
Below are some examples of the considerations HPL will make when assessing development proposals:
- Impact of the proposal on highway safety
- Compliance with highway design guide
- Compliance with local and national standards and policies
- Existing and future capacity of the wider highway network
- Compliance with the Active Travel Act
- Accessibility of the site by all modes of transport
- Parking for non-motorised and motorised vehicles
- Mitigation measures in relation to any impacts
- Travel plans
For highways and transport related enquiries that do not involve a planning application please visit our Travel, Roads & Parking pages.
This policy sets out the expectations and requirements for surface water drainage systems related to new developments which are sited within the highway and are to be promoted for adoption by Carmarthenshire County Council or connected to existing highway drainage systems.
This document related to highway drainage has been drafted to supplement the Highway Design Guide.
The adopted approach supports the principles of designing and constructing sustainable urban drainage systems.
The process put in place by the Authority to deal with applications to discharge of surface water to the Highway Drainage, is intended to be all embracing, but we also appreciate that no two developments are the same, with some offering greater constraints than others.
Also, prior to or directed to via the SAB application process, you may wish to seek advice with regards the potential of making such discharge, without first formalising the application.
As such should you wish discuss any scheme in advance of making an application, a pre-application service can be provided at an agreed fee. To discuss this further please contact HighwayDrainConnect@carmarthenshire.gov.uk
Planning Application Guide
Welcome to the Planning Hwb
Major Planning Applications
Extending / changing your home
- Lawful Development Certificate
- Pre-application advice service
- Householder planning permission
- Neighbouring properties / party walls
- Bats and nesting birds
- Conservation areas
- Listed buildings