Local Development Plan 2018 - 2033

Page updated on: 15/01/2025

The Local Development Plan (LDP) sets out proposals and policies for the future use of all land within the County (excluding the part contained within the Bannau Brycheiniog National Park) and is part of the development plan framework for Wales. The LDP covers a period of fifteen years and should reflect national planning policy in Wales.

Preparation of the Revised LDP commenced in January 2018. A detailed timeline of the Plan’s production is set out in the Consultation Report, Appendix 1: Carmarthenshire Local Development Plan (gov.wales)

Further details on the different stages of the Plan’s preparation can be viewed above by clicking on the blue boxes.

Latest Update:

10 June 2024

On the 10th June 2024, the Council submitted its 2nd Deposit Revised LDP and associated documents to the Welsh Government and Planning Environment Decisions Wales (PEDW) for examination.

Until the Revised LDP is adopted, the existing 2006-2021 LDP will remain in place for all planning decisions, in line with advice issued by the Welsh Government.