Modernising Education Programme Draft Strategy
Appendix 2
MEP Governance
The governance framework (shown below) for the MEP (as part of the Modernising Education and Communities Programme (MECP) Board) is now well established with clearly defined roles and responsibilities.
Modernising Education & Communities Programme Governance Framework
Programmes of work are managed in accordance with PRINCE2 methodology and MSP principles, and individual projects are managed in line with the Carmarthenshire Project Management toolkit, which ensures they comply with the Authority’s Project Grants Manual, Managing Capital document and financial and procurement regulations.
They are managed by MEP Project Officers and Property Design Officers who report to the Project Delivery Board on a monthly basis. Representatives from Human Resources, Transportation, Legal, School Modernisation, Communities, Standards and Quality, Finance, Additional Learning Needs and Environment are members of the group, whilst other officers are co-opted onto the team as and when required.
The Project Delivery Board supports and is answerable to the Council’s Modernising Education & Communities (incorporated in 2017) Programme Board for the overall direction and management of projects. The Programme Board is ultimately responsible for assurance that projects remain on course to deliver the desired investment objectives of the required quality to meet the Sustainable Communities for Learning agenda. They have the authority for the project within the remit set corporately by the Cabinet and County Council.