Strategies and plans

Affordable Homes Delivery Plan 2016 - 20

The purpose of this plan is to provide the detail on how and where we will deliver more affordable homes. The initial programme will deliver over 1000 additional affordable homes over the next five years, with a total investment exceeding £60m. The plan will also explain how we could deliver an ambitious new build programme by looking at the delivery options. This will further increase the number of homes delivered and provide additional investment....

Annual Report on the Effectiveness of Social Care Services 2022 - 23

There is a statutory requirement for the Director of Social Services to report annually to their Council on the delivery and performance as well as plans for the improvement of the whole range of Social Services. This is the annual report by the Director of Social Services on the effectiveness of our Social Care Services in the county and sets out the progress made on areas identified for improvement in last year’s report and highlights those areas to be developed in the current year....

Cabinet Vision Statement

As well as tackling climate change and poverty, the Cabinet’s vision statement also includes strengthening the economy and increasing prosperity, and investing in housing, education, culture, infrastructure and the environment to make a real difference to people’s lives. Read the Cabinet vision statement...

Carmarthenshire Transformation Strategy

This is the first time that the Council that has produced a Transformation Strategy, and it is intended that this will provide the strategic framework to drive a programme of significant change and transformation across the organisation over the next 5 years. The strategy will outline how the authority plans to move forward to provide more value and benefits to residents and businesses in the county and will also aim to further accelerate the process of modernisation across the council, allowin...

Corporate Safeguarding Policy

The Corporate Safeguarding Policy provides a framework for every service within the Council setting out responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and protecting children and adults at risk as well as the methods by which the Council will be assured that it is fulfilling its duties. Read the corporate Safeguarding policy...

Corporate Strategy

The 2022-2027 strategy sets out the direction for the local authority over the next five years, incorporating our improvement and well-being objectives as defined by legislation. A variety of services will be provided to meet these aims, each delivered in line with the council’s Core Values. Read our Corporate strategy...

Council's Annual Report 2023-24

Our Annual Report for 2023-2024 examines our progress against the Corporate Strategy 2022-2027. It is produced by the Council because we believe we should provide comprehensive and balanced information to the public about our services, so that they can see how we are performing and the challenges we are facing. This year we have also produced a Summary that sits alongside the fuller Annual Report. Read our FULLER Annual Report...

Digital Transformation Strategy 2024 - 2027

The Digital Transformation Strategy sets out our digital priorities and aspirations and outlines what we plan to do to achieve our vision for a Digital Carmarthenshire. Technology is becoming increasingly pervasive across all sectors and becoming integrated in many aspects of our lives. We need a digital transformation strategy because digital technology has the potential to transform the County and the lives of residents while generating long-term savings for the Council. Read the Digital Strat...

Family Support Strategy 2018-23

Carmarthenshire’s Family Support Strategy 2018-23 sets out how we will develop and deliver early intervention services to support Carmarthenshire’s children, families and young people at any point in a child’s life, from the early years through to the teenage years....

Carmarthenshire Libraries Service Update - Moving forward for 2017 - 2022

Our vision is to be an inclusive, modern, sustainable and high quality public library service at the heart of every community in Carmarthenshire. We have a mission to play a part in providing accessible, inclusive, exciting, sustainable services, which promote and facilitate learning, culture, heritage, information, well-being and leisure. Read the Strategy for Keeping CCC library services relevant and accessible. The service is to develop around 5 universal offers that promote a core message at...

Modernising Education Programme Strategy

The Modernising Education Programme (MEP) is designed to deliver on the Local Authority’s School Modernisation and reorganisation aspirations. Read the Modernising Education Strategy...

Moving Rural Carmarthenshire Forward

This report marks a significant milestone for the authority as it is the first time that a wide-ranging strategy has been developed to regenerate our rural communities in Carmarthenshire. The final report was approved at Full Council on the 11 September 2019....

Social Care and Health: Older People's Strategy 2015-2025

Over the course of the next 15 years, Older People’s services will come under increasing pressure in Carmarthenshire, with over ten-thousand additional older people over the age of 75 living in the county, many of whom will require care and support. This strategy aims to look in more detail at these challenges and to set out a plan for delivering more sustainable services over the next ten years. This plan will be updated annually.  In developing this strategy, we have consulted widely with re...

Strategic Equality Plan

This Strategic Equality Plan sets out the principles of our commitment to equality and diversity and outlines how we intend to fulfil our responsibilities as an employer, a service provider and as a community leader.  We are committed to treating our staff, and the people of Carmarthenshire, fairly. We will make sure that we do not discriminate against people because of their age, disability, ethnic origin, nationality, religion, belief or non-belief, social class, gender, sexual orientation, ge...

Tackling Poverty Plan 2023

This Plan provides a focused response on our activity over the next 12-months and is very much focused on support with the pressing cost of living crisis. It also identifies key areas of development that will enable us to refine our longer-term plan to address the broader causes of poverty. Read The Tackling Poverty Plan...

Transformations: Strategic Regeneration Plan for Carmarthenshire – 2015-2030

The regeneration of Carmarthenshire is well underway with many major developments coming to fruition in 2015. The economic landscape is evolving with Carmarthenshire’s position in the new Swansea Bay City Region for which the strategy has been adopted by the Council; by 2030, Carmarthenshire will be a confident, ambitious and connected component of a European City Region....

Welsh in Education Strategic Plan

The purpose of Carmarthenshire’s Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP) is to detail how we aim to achieve the Welsh Government’s outcomes and targets outlined in their Welsh Medium Education Strategy (WMES). The WMES sets out the Welsh Government’s vision for an education and training system that responds in a planned way to the growing demand for Welsh-medium education. The aim is to facilitate an increase in the number of people of all ages able to use the Welsh language with their familie...

Welsh Language Promotion Strategy

The 'Strategy to promote the Welsh Language in Carmarthenshire 2023-28' sets out what needs to be done to restore the Welsh language in the county by increasing the numbers of those who can speak Welsh, increasing the situations where people can speak Welsh, raising the status of the language, supporting communities to maintain the language and by having a positive effect on population movements. The formulation of the Strategy is a requirement under the ‘Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011’ and...

Welsh Language Standards (Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011) Compliance Notice

This compliance notice sets out what Carmarthenshire County Council must provide and implement to ensure that it does not treat the Welsh language less favourably than the English language. It contains 174 instructions on how the Council will deliver Welsh Language services, formulate policy in a way that promotes the Welsh language, operate through the medium of Welsh, promote the Welsh Language and keep records about the Welsh language. The public have a right to complain if they feel that the...

Welsh Language Annual Report

The Authority has a statutory duty to implement the Welsh Language Standards. As part of those Standards, we are required to publish an Annual Report which details our compliance and actions. The report provides examples of what has been achieved, alongside local case studies....

Waste Statement for Carmarthenshire

The purpose of the waste statement is to set out what the Council has done to date to meet its statutory recycling and waste targets, our performance to date, and what we will deliver over the next few years up to 2025 Read our Waste Statement...