Education Sir Gâr 2022-2032
Why do we need this strategy?
We need to build on the improving practice which is already evident in order to deliver the same opportunity for all learners and consistently excellent outcomes.
This strategy sets out a clear, shared vision for the role that education services play in the future development of vibrant communities and a prosperous economy in Carmarthenshire.
It will also:
- Provide an overview of strategic thinking over the next 10 years.
- Bring together our collective vision, mission statements and priorities.
- Provide a steady steer during a time of change.
- Provide insight into the golden thread from international, national and corporate policy
- Reside as a high-level summary which contextualises our Business Planning processes and documentation.
This high-level strategy will be operationalised through our departmental and divisional plans and will also be evident in school development plans.