Carmarthenshire Nature Partnership

Page updated on: 06/02/2025

The Carmarthenshire Nature Partnership (formerly Carmarthenshire Biodiversity Partnership) includes organisations including the Council, government, and non-government wildlife bodies, wildlife charities and voluntary groups - all working together to conserve and enhance Carmarthenshire’s biodiversity.

The group meets three times a year and is facilitated by the Council’s Biodiversity officer. The partners’ work focuses on action that seeks to maintain and enhance biodiversity within Carmarthenshire either through the management of land, or action to help specific species. All raise awareness about the county’s species and habitats, and the issues affecting biodiversity in Carmarthenshire. By sharing experience, knowledge and best practice, partner projects develop from these meetings. The knowledge and expertise within the group aims to inform the implementation of national legislation and policy at a local level. An annual report is produced each year to highlight the work of the partners.

Welsh Government have produced a Nature Recovery Action Plan that sets out how Wales will deliver the commitments of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and the EU Biodiversity Strategy to halt the decline in our biodiversity and then reverse that decline.

In Carmarthenshire a Local Nature Recovery Plan will be developed based on the objectives of the national plan which address the issues that are driving the decline in biodiversity, and to support recovery:

  • Engage and support participation and understanding embedding biodiversity throughout decision making at all levels;
  • Safeguard species and habitats of principal importance and improve their management
  • Increase the resilience of our natural environment by restoring degraded habitats and habitat creation;
  • Tackle key pressures on species and habitats;
  • Improve our evidence, understanding and monitoring; and,
  • Put in place a framework of governance and support for delivery

This plan will be informed by and hopefully inform the local Area Statement being produced by Natural Resources Wales as a toolkit to set out the evidence for, and describe how, NRW and others will help deliver sustainably managed natural resources at a local level across.

The Carmarthenshire Local Nature Recovery Plan will replace the previous Local Biodiversity Action Plan.