Pembrey Burrows

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A large dune system which is actively being built up, a rare feature, where you can see all the different types of sand dune including embryo dunes, large semi-stable yellow dunes and the more stable grey dunes that form dune grassland. It is renowned for its plant diversity and is home to many rarities including Dune Pansy, Dune Gentian, Sand Catchfly, Bloody Cranesbill, Fragrant Evening Primrose and Kidney Vetch.

The insect life that relies on this plant diversity is also unique and you can find the Small Blue and Marbled White butterfly as well as many species of solitary bee and wasp such as the Brown-banded Carder Bee. The ungrazed Saltmarsh is home to the rare Rock Sea Lavender which fills the Saltmarsh with purple flowers in August. Golden Samphire and Sea Aster also flower later in the summer with a blaze of yellow.