Volunteering opportunities in Carmarthenshire

Page updated on: 23/01/2025

Everyone can do something to help biodiversity ‐ small actions can contribute to make a big difference. The beneficial effects of taking action may well be mutual for nature and for you. Positive action could include volunteering with a local conservation group.

Please find details of volunteering opportunities below.

The Bumblebee Conservation Trust is a science-led, UK based charity established in 2006 because of serious concerns about the ‘plight of the bumblebee’.


Beewalk Volunteer

Beewalkers wanted to contribute to national citizen science recording scheme for bumblebees. Volunteers will survey a transect of their choosing for bumblebees for a few hours a month, once a month, between March and October. Volunteers are independent, and basic ID skills are required, but support and free identification training is available.

Contact us


Outreach Volunteer

We are looking for self-motivated volunteers passionate about bumblebee conservation, to represent the trust, engage communities, run talks and stands. Any levels of ability and knowledge welcome. May be opportunities to contribute to several local projects including Natur Am Byth, Connecting Carmarthenshire Coast and Brechfa Bumblebees. Volunteer training, travel expenses and support available in advance agreement, this will be on an ad hoc basis depending on projects needs or opportunity and volunteers’ capacity/ability.

Contact us


Bumblebee Conservation Trust - Ymddiriedolaeth Cadwraeth Cacwn

Butterfly Conservation work to progress towards a world where butterflies and moths can thrive.

To become involved in butterfly and moth recording for Butterfly Conservation then contact Mark Hipkin and he can recommend some ways to get started and submit records.

There are long-term volunteering opportunities with Brown Hairstreak egg counting and Marsh Fritillary surveys, which would offer opportunities to join in with established and experienced groups.

In the future, BC want to set up a volunteering group that will help with the management of the BC reserve at Cross Hands – please get in touch if you are interested

All volunteers would need to first log their details on to Assemble, which is a widely used application used by many conservation charities.

Please contact Mark Hipkn if you are interested.
E-mail: mhipkin@butterfly-conservation.org
Phone: 07485 372182


Butterfly Conservation Wales - Gwarchod Glöynnod Byw Cymru


With thirteen locations, including six Local Nature Reserves, across the county there are limited volunteering opportunities to join our well-established cohort of conservation volunteer rangers.

Activities range from practical countryside skill-based tasks to litter picking, wildlife surveys attending roadshows and engaging with the public especially young people, Uniform provided after qualifying time.

Please contact our Conservation & Nature Reserves Manager, Paul Aubrey, if you are interested.
E-mail: PAubrey@carmarthenshire.gov.uk


Gwasanaeth Hamdden Awyr Agored - Outdoor Recreation Service

Volunteering opportunities are variable at Coed Lleol Carmarthenshire, depending on the opportunities available at any one time. They can include:

  • Footpath clearance
  • Woodland litter picking
  • Shrub clearance
  • Tree planting etc.
  • Installation of signage and benches etc. (they can be made by the volunteers in some circumstances) and creation of new walking routes
  • Basic wildlife surveys

Please contact our Woodland Wellbeing Project Officer, Becky Brandwood-Cormack, if you are interested.
E-mail: beckybrandwoodcormack@smallwoods.org.uk
Phone: 07786 916954

Coed Lleol - Small Woods

We are working within the confines of Keepers in Brechfa Forest to survey the area and make a baseline list of plants, lichens, fungi, invertebrates, birds.

We are also drawing up a stage one habitat survey to inform a habitat management plan.

Keepers is a large hut type building that was used by the forestry workers and is now used by the local community, rented from Natural Resources Wales.

Our volunteers having varying degrees of knowledge and experience, from very little to extent, but we share our expertise and are learning together.

If you're interested in volunteering with us, please contact Jan Young.

The Mid Wales Red Squirrel Project was established in 2002 to protect the unique population of Red squirrels in Mid Wales; one of only three significant Red squirrel populations in the whole of Wales, and the only one to survive without rereleases.

Volunteers are needed to support the project by monitoring camera traps, deployment and checking of live traps, attending events.

Contact us


Mid Wales Red Squirrel Partnership - Canolbarth Cymru Partneriaeth Gwiwerod Coch

We’re looking for more volunteers to help us survey Public Rights of Way across Carmarthenshire as part of our Pathways Partnership project with Ramblers Cymru and Carmarthenshire County Council.

What's the role?

  • Complete surveys on assigned routes in your local area
  • Record path access or path furniture issues and take photos
  • Report survey findings onto the online Public Rights of Way Map (CAMS)
  • Carry out minor path maintenance (if necessary) using a toolkit provided 

Volunteers are vital to this project and so far have surveyed over 450km! You’ll be trained and supported throughout.

Contact us

Ramblers Cymru

The Cynefin Green Health Hub hosts therapeutic events in natural outdoor settings. Established in 2022 not far from the town of Carmarthen, the Hub offers a base for a range of activities, including; sensory walks, health walks, fire-making, living willow weaving, tending the community garden and more!

Join the University volunteers at their site at their Green and Wellbeing Community Hub at Cynefin, Johnstown. You can help with creating/enhancing willow structures there and planting trees in the autumn.

Please contact Andrew Williams if you are interested.
E-mail: a.williams1@uwtsd.ac.uk
Phone: 07902 848323

West Wales Biodiversity Information Centre is one of Wales’ four regional biological record centres.

Seeking volunteering opportunities in the environmental/conservation sector but want to work from home?

WWBIC is a not-for-profit company run on behalf of the public for the benefit of biodiversity.

We are looking for volunteers to help mobilise data from paper records into digital formats. This opportunity is fully remote and requires access to a computer with a secure connection. All you will need is to be familiar with Microsoft Excel, have good attention to detail, good typing skills and some spare time.

Gain valuable work experience.

Volunteer from home.

Contribute to conservation by adding to our growing database, used by public and private organisations to inform policy and conservation planning.

Please contact us if you are interested.
E-mail: carys@westwalesbiodiversity.org.uk
Phone: 01994 241468

West Wales Biodiversity Information Centre - Canolfan Wybodaeth Bioamrywiaeth Gorllewin Cymru

The West Wales Rivers Trust is a charity dedicated to restoring and safeguarding the rivers of West Wales for people and wildlife. Volunteering opportunities include:

Contact us

West Wales Rivers Trust - Ymddiriedolaeth Afonydd Gorllewin Cymru

Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust are the wetland restoration charity, working to unlock the power of wetlands – and help nature burst back to life.

At WWT Llanelli you can help with reserve management, visitor engagement and grounds maintenance.

Contact us


The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales are an independent charity with a mission to save wildlife and wild spaces and to make nature a part of life, for everyone. We are working to create and enhance wildlife havens, create Living Landscapes and Living Seas and manage some of the region’s most precious wild places from magnificent islands to ancient woodlands.

We have practical volunteering opportunities available to help manage the WTSWW nature reserves within the county, twice a week. Typical tasks include habitat management such as scrub or invasive species control, and maintenance of our infrastructure including footpaths, gates and fences.

More information


Contact Rebecca Killa to express your interest:
E-mail: r.killa@welshwildlife.org
Phone: 07970 780558


Ymddiriedolaeth Natur De a Gorllewin Cymru - Wildlife Trust of South & West Wales

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