How new phosphate targets may impact on your development

Next Steps

  • The role of the sub-regional Technical Advisory Group (TAG) is to collect, collate, and analyse data used to present options for approval by the Boards. The TAG group works collectively to produce a Nutrient Management Plan for each catchment. The three operational focussed working groups are the TAG Agricultural Working Group, the TAG Citizen Science Working Group and the TAG Monitoring Working Group. For more information and membership please contact
  • Carmarthenshire County Council are working with the Nutrient Management Boards to create a Geographic Information Platform to visualise mapping data that may be of interest to the general public and developers. The Nutrient Management Plans for the Teifi, Tywi and Cleddau Catchments are being constructed and will be publicly available once completed.

  • A River Stakeholder Group has been established, also through the joint West Wales Nutrient Management Boards. This will operate as one cross-region group. Membership of this group is open, and we welcome all contributions to help facilitate constructive and lasting change for river health. If you are interested in joining this group please contact the Nutrient Management Board Support Officer via email - for more information.
  • The challenges of addressing excess phosphate are complex, and there is no easy solution. Long lasting solutions will require collaboration with neighbouring Local Authorities, Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water, the rural land use sector, NRW, Welsh Government and other key stakeholders. Active collaboration and information sharing amongst all parties will be undertaken on a regular basis.
  • A Strategic Mitigation programme that maximises mitigation and delivers the benefit of that via a credit exchange is being explored. This will remove many of the mitigation barriers that developers are having to address.

We recognise that this situation is frustrating for developers - we want to work with you to find solutions that improve the condition of our rivers, that are feasible and can be implemented quickly and successfully. We want to engage with a wide range of people representing homebuilders, employers, the rural land use sector, residents, environmental groups and more to discuss these issues.

Carmarthenshire County Council is working proactively to minimise disruption and provide a solution to this unprecedented issue. We are operating at the forefront, planning strategically and recognise the necessity for fast and effective action, setting an example for the rest of Wales.

NRW have started issuing their review of wastewater treatment works (WwTW) permits. A backstop P limit is being applied to sites that previously had none in the past. Tighter P limits may be placed on WwTW permits where a limit is already present. There may be no change to existing P limits at certain sites. The new backstop limit of 5mg/l applies to sites with a dry weather flow of <20m3/day.