Miss school : Miss out

Not attending school regularly, a day here or there doesn’t seem like much, but absences add up. Two days a month is equal to 4 weeks a year which is over one year of lost learning from Year 1 to Year 13.

Every school day counts, each day missed makes it harder to catch up, and can lead to lower achievements in reading, writing and numeracy.

Every day missed impacts on children and young people’s ability to make important social connections and friendships.

There are lots of reasons why a child should attend school:

  • To develop as ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives.
  • To become enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work.
  • To mature as ethical, well-informed citizens of Wales and the world.
  • To become healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.

Excellent attendance at school allows a child to have the best possible start in life.

If your child does not attend school regularly, safeguarding concerns may be raised about their welfare and progress.

Case studies

We want our pupils to start building good habits and practices that will stand them in good stead for their future beyond school. Here are 3 Carmarthenshire residents who attended our schools and who appreciate how attending school gave them some great experiences, good friends and a career they enjoy.