Street trading licence
Page updated on: 19/08/2020
We have designated specific streets within the county as either Licensed streets where street trading requires a permit from us or Prohibited streets in which street trading is not permitted. A detailed list of both types of streets is given in the application pack below.
Apply for a licence
You are advised to read the relevant guidance and contact the licensing section to discuss your proposals prior to completing an application.
You must make your application in person at one of our customer service centres. You will need to provide the following items:
- Completed application form
- the location you wish to trade i.e. grid reference, address, road name and number, lay-by name (if applicable) and any supporting photographs.
- Fee
In order to allow sufficient time to process your application which includes consultation with various departments, with regards Food Safety, Trading Standards, Highways (Safety Audits) and Market Managers, we will require a minimum of 28 days notice for all applications. In some instances, i.e. lay-by applications, processing such applications can take longer due to consultations with outside Highway Agencies.
As a public body, we are under a duty to protect the public funds that we administer, and to this end may use the information provided to us on application forms for the prevention and detection of fraud. We may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for these purposes.
Licensing & Permits
What licences do you need to trade outdoors?
Alcohol & entertainment licences
- Club premises certificate
- Premises licence
- Personal licence
- Temporary Event Notices
- Comment on a licence application
- Making a complaint about a licensed premises
- Renewing / cancelling your licence
- Annual fees
- Requesting a review
Charity collection permit
Environmental Permits
Gambling licences
Holiday caravan site licence
Licensing policy
Mobile homes – Residential site licence
Scrap Metal Dealer Licence
Sex establishments licence
Street café licence - Trading outdoors
Street trading licence
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