Public Participation Strategy and Petition Scheme

Page updated on: 22/04/2024

Public Participation Strategy

To view our Public Participation Strategy, please click on the following link:

Public Participation Strategy



The Council welcomes petitions, both in paper form (physically signed) or by way of the e-Petition facility. Petitions are part of the Council’s ongoing commitment to listening to and acting on the views of the public.

There are two types of petitions:

  • Petitions which are signed by fewer than 50 registered electors in respect of paper copies or fewer than 300 electors in respect of e-petitions will automatically be referred to the department responsible for the service area, who will respond directly to the petitioner.
  • Petitions submitted to the Council meeting (under Council Procedure Rule 10B) must include 50 registered elector signatures for paper copies and 300 registered elector signatures for e-petitions.

Each petition must state the name, address and postcode of the petition organiser.  

To create your e-petition, you will need to:

  • register using a Carmarthenshire address
  • give the full details of your petition
  • give a short name for your petition

To submit a paper petition with physical signatures you will need to:-

  • deliver the paper petition to the Chief Executive, County Hall, Carmarthen. SA31 1JP no later than 10.00 a.m. 7 clear working days (NB clear days does not include the day the petition is received or the day of the meeting) before the day of the meeting it is proposed to be presented at.

Before submitting a petition and for further guidance please take time to read our Petitions Scheme

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