Why are we consulting

Following a provisional funding increase of 4.1% from the Welsh Government, Carmarthenshire County Council still needs to bridge an estimated shortfall of around £18million in its 2025/26 budget.

The Council has a legal responsibility to set a balanced annual budget, by ensuring that income from sources such as the Revenue Support Grant (RSG), the Council Tax, paid-for services and grants is enough to cover its expenditure.

This online survey gives residents an opportunity to express their views on specific policy proposals. These will be considered alongside 90 detailed operational proposals, such as building costs, efficient use of vehicles, digital efficiencies, staffing structures and internal and back-office functions. The detailed list will be discussed in full at the next Cabinet meeting, which will be held on Monday, 13 January 2025.

Very difficult decisions lie ahead of Carmarthenshire County Council. We are now inviting residents, businesses, community and voluntary organisations to have their say on new policy saving proposals, drawn from across all Council services. As an Authority, we have worked hard to limit the number of policy changes put forward for consultation this year to lessen the impact upon our residents.

The timing of our consultation is in line with the UK Government's budget and Welsh Government’s provisional budget.

Councillors will consider the views expressed in this consultation alongside operational proposals to the value of around £7.5million when the budget is finally approved by Full Council in March 2025.

The budget consultation closes 26 January 2025.

How to get involved

You can let us know what you think by completing our online budget survey. 

Online survey

Alternatively, you can request a paper copy from any of our Hwbs.

Next Steps

All views submitted during the consultation period will be analysed as part of a budget consultation report on the matter. This report will be considered by councillors when setting the 2024/27 council budget.

A copy of the budget consultation report will be available to view on the Council's website in March 2024.