Why are we consulting

Carmarthenshire has long been dubbed the ‘Garden of Wales’. In recent years, interest in local food growing opportunities has increased in popularity. There is a body of evidence supporting the idea that growing your own can have benefits for both people and the planet, whether through improved physical and mental well-being or by limiting the number of food miles on our plates. As inherent components of Green and Blue Infrastructure, Allotments and Community Growing spaces represent important place-based solutions towards promoting active lifestyle choices and preventing health and wellbeing issues amongst our communities.

In alignment with Welsh Government guidance, the Draft Allotment and Community Growing Strategy sets out the current provision of spaces within the county. It also provides information on tenancy rules, the interest amongst our communities, and the progress being made towards sustainably maintaining, and enhancing provision. It proposes four strategic objectives which outline our commitment to maximising the opportunities available for residents to participate in growing.

Jointly funded by the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund and Carmarthenshire County Council, Carmarthenshire residents and interested parties are invited to comment on the Draft Allotment and Community Growing Strategy.

How to get involved

Please complete this online survey.

If you do not have access to the internet or need help accessing this survey, please contact the Greening Carmarthenshire Project team on 07816 113034 (available between 9am-1pm, Monday to Friday). They will be available to input this information for you over the phone.

Next Steps

Feedback from this consultation will be used to help inform the continued development of the draft Strategy which is anticipated to be presented to Council for their further consideration in Spring 2025.

Data Protection

Questions within this survey do not intentionally collect any personal data. If any personal data is provided through responses received, it will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Notice. For more information about your rights and to obtain contact details for our Data Protection Officer, please visit our Data protection webpage.