Why are we consulting

We are working with consultants WSP on developing Active Travel improvements across the community of Llandovery and to establish an effective walking and cycling network that will support better access to more sustainable modes of transport. We are seeking engagement from the public on the proposed routes to help identify opportunities and constraints as well as gather local knowledge from the community to understand where and the types of improvements that can be made to existing infrastructure to further encourage walking and cycling as part of their daily journeys. We welcome any feedback from the public on these proposals as we will look to utilise this information to further inform our scheme development to ensure we implement high impact and high priority interventions to achieve greater connectivity across Llandovery to key facilities and services.

How to get involved

Drop-in sessions at Rhys Pritchard Memorial Hall in Llandovery (paper copies available at drop-in events). :

Saturday 23rd November: 10am - 3pm

Monday 25th November: 2-8pm  

online survey

Next Steps

The feedback from the engagement will be utilised to further inform the development of the schemes/routes that will be outlined and will help us gather more of an evidence base/baseline information on what the local community want to see in the area, highlighting any opportunities and constraints as well as local knowledge to feed into the types of interventions and designs we would look to progress through the various stages of the WelTAG process.


Supporting Documents