Cabinet Vision Statement 2022 - 2027 (July 2022)

Leader’s Introduction

It gives me great pleasure to share with you the Vision Statement of this Cabinet.
This vision outlines the starting point of our ambition over the next five years.

During the recent County Council elections members engaged with residents and local businesses across the County to canvass and share their political views. This statement contains some of the key issues and themes identified by members during those conversations. Since the elections we have worked to gather this information to form a statement of our vision for the next five years.

Each administration brings in changes that reflect the current landscape and I have made some changes to the portfolios of my Cabinet in response to local and global events. Climate change dominates the global agenda so for the first time we have created a dedicated climate change portfolio to focus on and drive our ambition to be a net zero carbon local authority by 2030. This Council term runs until 2027 so we all have a key role to play in delivering on that ambition.

I’ve also appointed a lead member for Tackling Poverty to coordinate an issue that impacts several portfolios. Although as we are now into the recovery stage of the pandemic, we cannot ignore its impact on our communities and also the lessons learnt. COVID highlighted some socio-economic gaps and its disproportionate impact on some groups. We need to address those issues, and coupled with the current cost of living crisis, we know that times are already hard and are likely to get worse before they get better. We are committed to
understanding local needs and working with partners to meet them.

Since taking up the role of Leader, I have worked to engage with other political groups and unaffiliated members of the Council. In the Senedd, Plaid Cymru and Welsh Government are already working on delivering their cooperation agreement and this administration will support that approach wherever we can. Indeed, I hope that this administration will also be one that will be defined by its cooperation, and I hope that members from across the chamber will respond positively to find areas of common ground and shared values.

This statement provides an indication of the type of difference we want to make across the county. This includes working with partners to strengthen the economy, increase prosperity, and invest in housing, education, culture, infrastructure, and the environment. But we want to hear what you think the priorities are. Over the next few months, we will see the results of the Residents Survey and the Staff Survey and will listen to suggestions from members as we develop our Corporate Strategy, to be published in the Autumn, which will set out the Council’s strategic objectives over the next five years.

Cllr Darren Price
Leader of Carmarthenshire County Council



July 18th – Vision Statement presented at Cabinet by the Leader.

August 5th – Residents Survey and Staff Survey close.

August/September 2022 – Review of the Vision Statement to align with the results of the Residents and Staff Survey.

Autumn 2022 – Publication of the Corporate Strategy.