Cabinet Vision Statement 2022 - 2027 (July 2022)
Work well - To further modernise and develop as a resilient and efficient Council
- Consider and implement appropriate changes in line with Welsh Government Council Tax reform.
- Ensuring that Carmarthenshire County Council is a diverse and inclusive organisation
- To work with relevant groups to promote the council as an employer across all communities including within the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic community.
- Work with the Public Services Board to drive community engagement and good practice in relation to recruitment from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities.
- To work with relevant external groups, to improve representation and signposting for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities on the Council’s website.
- To look at ways of improving the quality of our workforce equality data and continuously improve the quality of information gathered in order to improve workforce planning and management.
- Work to position our recruitment competitively and work towards continuously improving recruitment levels across the organisation. Seeking to understand the steps needed in order to become the employer of choice in West Wales.
- Work to market Carmarthenshire County Council as an attractive employer for apprentices, school leavers and graduates. Focusing on reducing the migration of young people out of Carmarthenshire and from rural areas.
- Consider the short and long-term capacity of our workforce to deliver the current administration’s vision.
- Develop focused training for Members on areas relating specifically to equality, diversity, and equity, to be included within Code of Conduct training.
- A cultural commitment to scrutiny, taking action to encourage scrutiny that is challenging and recognising that its work must be designed to have impact. Acknowledging that in order to achieve good scrutiny Member and Public participation is key.
- Continue to embrace and promote agile working, hybrid meetings and new ways of working across the organisation.
- Work with Welsh Government, Public Service partners and Trade Unions in further progressing the Real Living Wage agenda.
- Further increase our use of the latest digital technology to further transform the services delivered by the Council.
- To develop a Council Transformation Strategy which will provide the strategic framework to support the implementation of a programme of transformation and change across the organisation.
- Keep regional partnership working under review, together with local government partners, to ensure they are efficient and work for Carmarthenshire as new Corporate Joint Committee arrangements are introduced.
- Continue to work with Town and Community Councils for the benefit of our residents and communities.