Corporate Strategy 2022-2027

Introduction by Wendy Walters, Chief Executive of Carmarthenshire County Council

i am pleased to present this Corporate Strategy for Carmarthenshire County Council which sets out our direction of travel and priorities as an organisation.

In developing this Strategy we have taken time to reflect and refresh our approach following discussion with a range of stakeholders including councillors, officers and external partners. We have also sought feedback from residents, staff, businesses and trade unions on their views about the Council and priorities and these views have shaped our well-being objectives.

As we emerge and reflect on our experiences from the pandemic and look ahead at the extremely challenging period ahead for public services in terms of increasing demand and budgetary constraints, we have taken a fresh approach to our Corporate Strategy and wellbeing objectives by focusing on a smaller number of population based objectives whilst identifying our thematic priorities, service priorities and core business enablers.

Our well-being objectives are focused on:

  1. Enabling our children and young people to have the best possible start in life (Start Well)
  2. Enabling our residents to live and age well (Live & Age Well)
  3. Enabling our communities and environment to be healthy, safe and prosperous (Prosperous Communities)
  4. To further modernise and develop as a resilient and efficient Council (Our Council)

At the heart of this approach is integration and collaboration across the Council and with our stakeholders, and our focus going forward will be on:


Developing Carmarthenshire Together: One Council; One Vision; One Voice


Within this Strategy we have identified a series of thematic and service priorities that are aligned to our well-being objectives. Detailed delivery plans will outline actions to be taken for each thematic and service priority with clear measures to monitor progress against the overall well-being objective.

During the course of this Strategy, we will continuously challenge the status quo, ask questions of ourselves about how we are operating and consider best practice in Wales and beyond. We will critically self-assess our performance and seek feedback from stakeholders so that we can continue to learn and improve the way that we work.

Our staff are the driving force of the Council and their commitment and determination to do their best for the people of Carmarthenshire is never doubted and something I am tremendously proud of.

As we enter another challenging period for public services, I will ensure that the Council is in the best position possible to respond to whatever that may bring. Going forward a focus on continuous service transformation is going to be critical, and I will drive this transformation within the organisation to make sure that we can adapt, be innovative and respond with the needs of our residents at the centre of all that we do despite the challenges ahead.