In this section
- Foreword
- Our vision for Carmarthenshire
- What is a Digital Strategy?
- How plans are made: Local, Regional and National Alignment
- Well-being of Future Generations Act (Wales) 2015
- Carmarthenshire Well-being Objectives
- Well-being Goals for Wales
- Engagement and Involvement
- Partnerships and Collaboration
- Governance: Our Transformation Programme
Carmarthenshire Well-being Objectives
Well-being Objective 1: Enabling our children and young people to have the best possible start in life (Start Well)
Well-being Objective 2: ObjectiveEnabling our residaents to live and age well (Live & Age Well)
Well-being Objective 3: Enabling our communities and environment to be healthy, safe and prosperous (Prosperous Communities)
Well-being Objective 4: To further modernise and develop as a resilient and efficient Council (Our Council)