
It is critical the services and technology we priovide within schools underpins the key objectives of teaching and learning, enabling students to reach their full potential and fulfilling our commitment to the Digital Competence Framework and Curriculum for Wales. To help achieve this we will:

  • Align all digital technology to the needs of teachers, learners, the Curriculum and the Digital Competence Framework.
  • Strive to continue reducing digital exclusion for learners by working with schools, partners and other stakeholders to improve access to digital resources. The aim is that no learner in our schools ever feels digitally left behind.
  • Make digital connectivity and bandwidth the foundation of our school's technology, providing fast, safe and resilient internet connectivity for all schools to the internet and HWB environment.
  • Use the Hwb Sustainability Scheme to ensure that staff and learners have equality of access to fitfor- purpose digital equipment, giving a standardised and consistent experience across all our schools.
  • Assist schools to achieve efficiency savings without affecting learner outcomes, leveraging corporate contracts wherever possible.
  • Deliver a comprehensive support package via a formal SLA for all Primary and Secondary Schools; ensuring a 21st century digital support provision for our young people, staff and all schools of Carmarthenshire.
  • Underpin our Schools Modernisation Education Programme (MEP) to support digital learning and digital skills development.