The Welsh Language

The latest Census data for 2021 indicates that Carmarthenshire is home to 72,838 Welsh speakers. This translates to 39.9% of the county’s total population. In 2001 and 2011, Carmarthenshire had the highest number of Welsh speakers of all local authorities in Wales, with 84,196 and 78,048 Welsh speakers respectively. The county currently has the second highest number of Welsh speakers of all local authorities in Wales and remains the fourth highest in terms of the percentage of the population that are able to speak Welsh.

It is vital to emphasise and incorporate the Welsh language into this Digital Strategy to ensure we align with cultural, legal, economic, educational, and social considerations. The Welsh Language is a vital component in the holistic development and well-being of Carmarthenshire in the digital age. We will ensure all our online and digital services are provided bilingually and promoted to our residents and local economy in accordance with the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure, 2011.

Cymraeg 2050: A million Welsh speakers, notes clearly that the Welsh language must be part of the digital revolution, which spans across all 5 priority areas of this strategy.

The Welsh Government has committed to ensure that the Welsh language is at the heart of innovation in digital technology to enable the use of Welsh in all digital contexts, and as a Council, we will support and enact on this. Our aim is aligned to that of the ‘Welsh Language Technology Action Plan’ derived from Cymraeg 2050 and we will ensure to plan technological developments so that the Welsh language can be used in a wide variety of contexts, be that by using voice, keyboard or other means of humancomputer interaction.


Carmarthenshire is home to 72,838 Welsh speakers 39.9% of the county's total population (2021 Census)