Modernising Education Strategy

Appendix 2 - Presumption against the Closure of Rural Schools

In Wales, the presumption against the closure of rural schools means that Local Authorities must consider alternative options before formulating a proposal to close a rural school.

Carmarthenshire County Council’s Cabinet remains fully supportive of doing all that it can to support and build the future resilience and sustainability of its rural schools and will work to Welsh Government’s set of procedures and requirements within the School Organisation Code which works on a presumption against closure.

As part of its vision to promote the Welsh language and sustain rural communities the Cabinet has a positive approach to maintaining rural schools if they are sustainable in terms of stable leadership, provide high standards of education within a safe and suitable environment and operate within their delegated budgets. However, Cabinet will consider the future of any school if it is not sustainable.

The 2018 School Organisation Code “makes special arrangements in regard to rural schools establishing a procedural presumption against their closure. This requires proposers to follow a more detailed set of procedures and requirements in formulating a rural school closure proposal and in consulting on and reaching a decision as to whether to implement a rural school closure proposal. This does not mean that a rural school will never close but the case for closure must be strong and all viable alternatives to closure must have been conscientiously considered by the proposer, including federation.”

The Code notes that “the proposer must identify any reasonable alternatives to the proposal which might also address the reason for formulating the proposal. It is important to ensure that all reasonable alternatives identified are properly explored before the proposer decides to proceed to consult on closure.”

Carmarthenshire County Council continues a commitment to incorporate Stage 0 in the flow charts (see appendix 1 and 3), so that Stage 0 is considered for every school subject to the MEP strategy. This means that all schools will be subject to a detailed set of considerations before formulating a proposal.

Improving the sustainability of a rural school can involve various strategies focusing on financial stability, community engagement, environmental practices, and educational innovation. Listed below are a number of options that could be taken forward by the Local Authority or school in order to address any issues, prior to the consideration of the closure of a school.

Collaboration Models- Federation/Amalgamation with Other Schools (Formal or informal)

  • Voluntary Collaboration between schools for specific purposes or for a specific period of time. Each schools retains their Governing Body.
    • Resource Sharing: Schools can share resources, facilities, and equipment, leading to cost savings.
    • Enhanced Curriculum: Broader subject offerings and extracurricular activities become possible.
    • Cost Efficiency: Reduces administrative and operational costs by combining schools.
    • Improved Professional Development: Teachers benefit from shared professional development opportunities and best practices.
    • Community Stability: Keeps the school operational, maintaining its role in the community.
  • Research different models of Formal Federation e.g.
    • A formal federation between a certain number of schools creating a single governing body to rationalise the use of human and educational resources.
    • A Formal Federation consisting of one central school and a certain number of smaller schools with one governing body.
    • A Formal Federation between a secondary school and a certain number of the primary schools that feed it, under one governing body.
    • Multi-site school- there may be circumstances in which it is more appropriate to close a number of neighbouring schools and reopen them as one school on a number of sites.

Implementing Shared Leadership Models

  • Leadership: Provides leadership across multiple schools.
  • Management: Streamlines administrative functions, reducing costs.
  • Collaborative Culture: Fosters a collaborative culture among schools, benefiting pupils and staff.

Enhanced Use of Technology

  • Remote Learning: Facilitates remote and blended learning, expanding educational opportunities.
  • Resource Efficiency: Reduces the need for physical resources and space.
  • Access to Specialist Teachers: Provides access to specialist teachers who may not be available locally.

Enhanced Utilisation of School Building

  • Early Years Education/Childcare: Inviting a Cylch Meithrin / private provider in to provide wrap around care (subject to space)
  • Increased Revenue: Renting out space can generate additional income for the school.
  • Community Engagement: Strengthens the school’s role as a community hub and use the school as a venue for community services like a library, daycare, health clinic, or Community Education Centre.
  • Energy Efficiency: Implement energy-saving measures like LED lighting, solar panels, and better insulation.

Increasing Community Involvement

  • Parent-Teacher Association (PTA): Strengthen the PTA to involve parents in decision-making and fundraising efforts.
  • Volunteer Support: Engages community volunteers to support school activities and programmes.

Exploring Grant and Funding Opportunities

  • Financial Support: Secures additional funding to support school operations and programmes.
  • Innovation: Encourages innovative programmes and initiatives funded by grants.
  • Sustainability: Helps maintain financial stability and sustainability.

By considering these strategies, a rural school in Carmarthenshire could enhance its sustainability, ensuring it continues to provide valuable educational opportunities for its pupils.

Whilst the Local Authority is committed to considering the viability of the options above prior to considering a proposal to close a school, this does not mean that it will not take forward individual school closure proposals if it is deemed that that is the most appropriate option based on the challenges faced by individual settings.