Waste Statement for Carmarthenshire
Our Waste Strategy
Our strategy is derived from Welsh Government’s current overarching waste strategy document ‘Towards Zero Waste’. It outlines high level outcomes, policies, and targets for Local Authorities to follow. It guides us on how to manage domestic waste generated in Wales in a manner that creates environmental, economic, and social wellbeing benefits.
The government has also released its ‘Beyond Recycling’ strategy which focuses on a more circular economy, using waste as a resource and reducing carbon. It sets out more detailed targets for us to follow, to take Wales from 3rd in the world at recycling to being 1st.
Our vision and aim in Carmarthenshire is to work towards achieving the statutory targets set within the Welsh Government strategy, ensuring that we do our bit to achieve ‘Zero Waste' by 2050. These statutory targets mean that Welsh Government has legislative powers to fine Councils that do not achieve the set targets of municipal waste being recycled, prepared for re-use, or composted. This can result in fines of £200 per tonne for every tonne of waste that Carmarthenshire fails to process via the waste hierarchy.
Diverting waste from landfill is a priority and failure to divert ‘Biodegradable Municipal Waste’ from landfill includes a further £200 per tonne over the specified allowance.
We will align with the policies and targets set within the Welsh Government strategies with a clear focus on a circular economy, net zero carbon pledge, cleaner environment, and a strategy to further develop the good work already achieved by Wales and our standing as third best recyclers in the world. Carmarthenshire’s goal is to play our part in an overall Wales achievement and be a high performing county in respect of reduction, re-use, and recycling of our waste now and in the future.