Welsh in Education Strategic Plan
In this section
- Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP)
- Our ten year vision for increasing and improving the planning of Welsh-medium education provision in our area
- Outcome 1 - More nursery age / three-year olds receive their education through the medium of Welsh
- Outcome 2 - More reception class children/ five-year-olds receive their education through the medium of Welsh
- Outcome 3 - More children continue to improve their Welsh language skills when transferring from one stage of their statutory education to another
- Outcome 4 - More learners study for assessed qualifications in Welsh (as a subject) and subjects through the medium of Welsh
- Outcome 5 - More opportunities for learners to use Welsh in different contexts in school
- Outcome 6 - An increase in the provision of Welsh-medium education for pupils with additional needs (ALN) in accordance with the duties imposed by the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018
- Outcome 7 - Increase the number of teaching staff able to teach Welsh (as a subject) and teach through the medium of Welsh
- How we will work with others to achieve our vision
- Appendix 1 - The Welsh Language in Carmarthenshire Report
How we will work with others to achieve our vision
We have established a Carmarthenshire Welsh in Education Forum consisting of representatives from Mudiad Meithrin, Urdd, Menter Iaith, County Councillors with responsibility for education and the Welsh language, Primary and Secondary school leaders, Welsh language Policy officer, Further Ed. colleges as well as the Director of Education and senior education officers with the responsibility for Bilingualism and the head of the Athrawon Datblygu’r Gymraeg Service.
The Forum meets on a regular basis where all matters aligned to the WESP document are discussed. In preparation of the plan, we will consult with our statutory partners and other stakeholders.
In addition, the multi-agency County Welsh language Forum is involved in supporting the delivery of this strategy.
Officers across the education department are briefed with the objectives of the WESP.
We work closely with officers in the delivery of the new curriculum to synergise the WESP with the ideals of the Successful Futures agenda.
Consultation and workshop sessions with Head teachers and Governors across all schools.
A robust in-house corporate consultation process will ensure that the strategy is informed through the democratic process.