The Council

We are one of the largest and most diverse employers in South West Wales employing over 9000 people providing services across a rural county to a population of around 187,900 (2021 Census). The Council comprises 75 elected Councillors representing 51 Electoral Wards from a range of political groups. They normally meet as a Council on a monthly basis.

They are elected by you to represent your views when they make decisions about services and matters affecting the local community. They have a number of roles and responsibilities and they need to balance the needs and interests of their community, their political party or group with the needs of the residents of the county as a whole.  

They make decisions about local services, budgets, the overall level of Council services and the level of Council Tax to be levied each year. Each Councillor is elected to represent a specific area (Electoral Ward) and normally serves for a period of four years after which time they then have to stand for re-election. Locally, their work includes:

  • holding surgeries to help local people
  • supporting local organisations
  • campaigning on local issues
  • developing links with all parts of the community and being a community leader. 


Ten of the Council’s members make up the Cabinet, including the Leader of the Council. The Cabinet is responsible for taking most of the Council’s major decisions and decides how resources are used to deliver services in the county. Cabinet Members are responsible for decision making within specific areas of interest, known as portfolios. 

Corporate Management Team

The Corporate Management Team, led by the Chief Executive, oversees the day-to-day operation of the council's services. The Council’s Corporate Structure is made up of five Directorates:

  1. Chief Executives
  2. Education and Children
  3. Corporate Services
  4. Communities
  5. Place, Infrastructure and Economic Development

Democratic Services Unit

The Democratic Services Unit administers meetings of the Council, Cabinet and Committees of the Council. Producing meeting agendas, attending meetings and recording the decisions made and also providing advice on the law and practice of meetings to Councillors, officers and the public. They also provide administrative support to all 75 Councillors. They can advise you on your rights to attend meetings and how to go about submitting petitions or any other query you may have about how the Council and its Committees work.

Council & Democracy

The Council

Councillors, AMs and MPs

Council departments

Have your say

Committees & Meetings

Strategies and plans