Lord-Lieutenant of Dyfed (Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire)
Page updated on: 19/10/2024
Each county has a Lord-Lieutenant who is the local representative of His Majesty The King in that county. The Lord-Lieutenant’s first and foremost duty is to uphold the dignity of the Crown. She seeks to promote a spirit of co-operation by encouragement of the voluntary services and benevolent organisations, and by taking an active interest in the business, industrial and social life of the county. The Lord-Lieutenant’s role is, like the Monarch’s, essentially non-political.
The main duties of the Lord-Lieutenant may be summarised as follows:
- Arranging visits of Members of the Royal Family, and receiving and escorting Royal Visitors as appropriate.
- Presentation of medals and awards on behalf of The King to individuals, voluntary groups and business organisations.
- Participation in civic, voluntary and social events within the County.
- Liaison with local units of the Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Army, Royal Air Force and their associated Cadet Forces.
Lord-Lieutenants are appointed by the Monarch to serve until they reach the age of 75 years. The Lord-Lieutenant is also the Chair of the Local Advisory Committee for the Magistrates Courts. Advisory Committees are responsible for selecting suitable candidates for the magistracy. Anyone who meets the eligibility criteria to become a magistrate can put themselves forward as a candidate.
The current Lord-Lieutenant of Dyfed is Miss Sara Edwards who took up her appointment in 2016. The Lord-Lieutenant has appointed a number of Deputy Lieutenants to assist her in the discharge of her duties and responsibilities.
The correct form of address for the Lord-Lieutenant is:
- Written: Miss Sara Edwards, Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Dyfed.
- Salutation: Dear Lord-Lieutenant
- In a speech: In the preamble the Lord-Lieutenant should be referred to as “My Lord-Lieutenant” A speech might begin “Lord-Lieutenant, Ladies and Gentlemen”.
- Conversation: On formal occasions – Lord-Lieutenant
The appointment is not for a fixed period. A Lord-Lieutenant serves until his or her 75th Birthday.
The Sovereign, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, appoints Lord-Lieutenants. The opinions of a wide range of citizens in the county are taken before the Prime Minister advises The King on possible appointees.
Any person who is resident in the county is eligible for appointment as Lord-Lieutenant.
The Lord-Lieutenant is not paid.
It is the Lord-Lieutenancy Office that liaises with Buckingham Palace, the Private Office of the prospective visitor and the host organisation.
For the King: Your Majesty on the first occasion and Sir thereafter.
For the Queen Consort: Your Majesty on the first occasion and Ma’am thereafter.
Other female members of the Royal Family who hold the title of Her Royal Highness: Your Royal Highness on the first occasion and then Ma’am.
For male members of the Royal Family who hold the title His Royal Highness: Your Royal Highness on the first occasion and Sir thereafter.
The honours system recognises people of outstanding merit, and those who have committed themselves to service to the nation and to their communities. You can submit a nomination at any time. Find out more about the honours process and how you can nominate someone for an award on DirectGov: Honours, awards and medals.
The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service is awarded for outstanding achievement by groups who regularly volunteer their own time to enhance and improve the lives of others. To nominate a group or find out more visit The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service website.
HM The King sends congratulatory messages to those celebrating their 100th and 105th birthday and every year thereafter, and those celebrating their 60th, 65th and 70th wedding anniversaries and every year thereafter. You can find the forms and further guidance on the British Monarchy website.
In January of each year, the Lord-Lieutenant prepares to submit a list of names to The Lord Chamberlain whom he would recommend to be considered to attend a Royal Garden Party. There are restrictions-for example, all guests should be 18 or over to be invited in their own right.
Applications for a congratulatory message, Diamond Wedding Anniversaries etc.; can be made via the Lord-Lieutenancy Office.
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