Leaving Care: Next Step Services
Page updated on: 17/01/2024
If you have been in our care you may be eligible for Leaving Care Services. Once you are 16 you will be given a Personal Adviser, they will support you to access wider community services and move on to independent living. Your Personal Adviser will support you up to the age of 21 or up to the age of 25 under certain circumstances.
Up to 25 years old we are still here to help, just email us and we’ll get back to you. If you need urgent support, contact 0300 333 2222 - available 24hrs, 7 days a week.
If you’re in danger contact the police immediately on 999.
These are some of the things your adviser can help with when you leave care:
- Education, Training and Employment
- Discuss any concerns you have about your mental health
- Housing and Tenancy Support
- Advice on managing your money and planning your weekly budget
- Positive Parenting
- Healthy Eating
- Accessing Health Services: GP, Dentist, Optician
- Skills for Independent Living
- Driving Lessons
- How to sign up for electric, gas or water
- Travel and Transport
- Making links with Family
- Healthy Relationships, Sexual Health and Contraception
- Help to apply for any benefits you may be entitled to such as Universal credit, Housing Benefit or Council tax reduction.
- Support with priority funding for college or University
If you are struggling to afford food, you can use a food bank. A food bank usually stocks basic items like tins, jars and cereals, these are supplied free of charge to people in need. Let your Personal Adviser or social worker know you’re struggling and they will give you a voucher. This voucher will get you a food parcel which will provide at least three days of healthy, balanced meals.