Maths GCSE for Adults

Page updated on: 04/11/2024

Attend two or three hour weekly sessions with a tutor and study in your own time as directed by your tutor. You can do this course over 1 year or 2 years, depending on your personal needs.

Your progress will be assessed by continual formative assessment by your tutor and self-reflection. You will also sit two final GCSE exam papers.

This is an intermediate level course. You will need to do an initial assessment with us to make sure this is the right course for you – help and advice is part of the process. You also need to be able to attend most weeks and, in addition, do the work necessary at home – this is a very condensed course that requires commitment – especially the 1-year version.

You will need to buy a GCSE maths set (compass, scientific calculator, protractor etc.) and a WJEC learner’s book.

The course costs £60 for WJEC GCSE Mathematics – Numeracy (two exam papers) and an extra £30 if you want to sit WJEC GCSE Mathematics as extra (two exam papers), or vice versa.

There are now two versions of the paper:

  • WJEC GCSE Mathematics – Numeracy
  • WJEC GCSE Mathematics

Please check the WJEC website for more information about this.

Venue Day / Time Weeks
Ammanford Learning Centre @ Streets

Thursday, 12:00 - 15:00

Wednesday evening online, 17.00 - 20.00

(Email to discuss your options.) 

(Subject to initial interview and assessment)

31 weeks - 1 year
70 weeks - 2 year
following school terms, minus holidays)
Carmarthen Learning Centre

Thursday, 09.00-12.00

Thursday, 16.00-18.00, option of online

(Email to discuss your options.) 

(Subject to initial interview and assessment.)

31 weeks - 1 year
70 weeks - 2 year
(following school terms, minus holidays)
Llanelli Learning Centre

Tuesday, 17.00 - 20.00

(Email to discuss your options.)  

(Subject to initial interview and assessment.)

31 weeks - 1 year
70 weeks - 2 year
(following school terms, minus holidays)

We aim to deliver all courses as advertised. However courses may be cancelled, or changed, if enrolments are too low or in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Once you enrol, refunds will not normally be given to learners who do not continue with their studies. Refunds are at our discretion and where granted will be pro-rata to the number of sessions attended.

Term Dates 2024/25 Start Half Term End
Autumn 2024 02 September 28 October - 01 November 20 December
Spring 2025 06 January 24 February - 28 February 11 April
Summer 2025 28 April 26 May -  30 May 21 July

Please note that this calendar is subject to any changes that may arise as a result of government policy decisions. We do not accept liability for any losses incurred in respect of altered holiday arrangements following such changes.

This course is run in partnership with Coleg Sir Gâr.