Create an Emergency Plan
Emergency responders plan, train and exercise to respond to emergencies, it is important for you to take steps to ensure you and your family know what to do in the event of an emergency. After a large emergency, the usual services we take for granted, such as running water, refrigeration, and telephones, may be unavailable and so you should prepare to be self sufficient until more help arrives. A few minutes thinking about it now could make a big difference in keeping you and your family safe. You should ensure that everyone in your household knows about the plan and what to do in the event of an emergency.
Planning for emergencies ensures that the emergency services, local authorities and other responding organisations better communicate and coordinate their efforts, improving both the management at the scene and the post disaster recovery process for the people of Carmarthenshire.
There are many ways to make sure you and your family are more prepared for emergencies. If a major emergency happens it may be some time before help arrives. It’s very important that you and your family get together to prepare. Download and complete the emergency plan template, you can enter as little or as much information as you want. Keep it safe in case you need to use it. If you have to leave your home, get out, stay out, and take others with you.
Community Emergency Planning
Building community resilience is something that many people and communities already do. It is not about creating or identifying a whole new community network or a one-off response to or recovery from an incident, but rather an ongoing process of using and enhancing existing relationships to better improve the emergency preparedness of an area.
Some existing local community groups will have information on how to get involved or how they can fit resilience into their agenda. These could include town or community councils, faith organisations, Neighbourhood Watch groups, Scout Groups, residents associations and youth groups.
Communities should know what local emergency responders are able to do for them in an emergency and vice versa, this means talking to them before an emergency happens.